Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Estructura Lewis Clf2

Together everything becomes possible

First point: the site of the candidate Nicolas Sarkozy is no longer available, I can not certify the absence of a comma between Together and All. In its prospectus, at no time the two terms are separated. "Set it ..." "To this together ..." etc..
Second point: the definitions are taken from the Littré and I will direct my speech so I will not use all the meanings of the terms discussed.
Third point: I am committed to do not show any neutrality.

Together: Both at the same time, simultaneously / In body, w / All together, all taken at once and without regard to details.
All: Who understands all, integrity, leaving nothing out. Become
: Take a way, a certain quality.
Possible: Who can that can be done. Matches

I note that the terms of this slogan are in pairs. Ensemble / Everything and Become / Possible. The first couple means a totality. The second opening.
Other pairs: Ensemble / All Possible and / Becoming, opposed pairs because the first refers to a finite totality and which do not contain either the totality of what is not finished, and the second means a whole is changing.
Finally Set to Become A and / Possible, pairs much more interesting since they refer to totalities unfinished.

's go!
Every time we have a pre-requisite to be set, and no point does the immediacy of the relationship. There is not a time to set and a time thereafter. Everything comes together. While this set does not separate anything. It Together Everything is pre-requisite. That is what will enable a move towards an opening verse. Everything must be close so that everything opens. The whole is possible, since the possible fate is so only because nothing is beyond. The uniqueness of all is the only become possible.
This has nothing to do with the ability to act together to do something, you do not open the potential for joint struggle and the possible exists because it is in what is already united. Everything becomes possible from the moment the unit is made is the exact opposite of the slogan of 68 "Be realistic, demand the impossible "at any time it is asked to imagine what could be, but to have everything because everything is. The unit is the only field of possibilities. The constitution in these conditions a ministry of racial purity became mandatory. Anything that is not in the package must be removed so that the only possibilities are already in the Set.
What are these options that are already there, since what is possible is what can be? There are sets of possibilities, each depending on certain conditions. But to say that everything is possible because there is a set already, is to ignore the infinite number of conditions of existence of other sets of possibilities. Possible is only to be set.
Not Everything is possible because there is a whole, but only is possible that all. And then we could expect anything. And for once, whore, it is served.


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