Sunday, August 31, 2008

External Hard Drive Model Hd338

KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3

Rainfall beautiful revives the night of 11 September. A continuous monsoon sweeps all the dirt floor of the city to throw himself into the most polluted rivers sacred that aside. What do they do all day sitting at the Kumari's freak-streetiens these neo-hippies? In times of "Flash" by Charles Duchossois this court was the Oriental Lodge "same same but different." Frankly we smoke a lot of crackers but mainly he spends a staggering intergalactic connection of mutual goodwill between the various people involved. A sprinkling of tolerance absolutely antithetical to the universe of which we are all products. Our social etiquette usually puts out here. This is probably the effect Kiss Cool-looking.

Frankly we talked about everything except what we usually do in life. What is relaxing to not have any time to justify himself.

Depletion of loneliness surrounds interposed by the notion of privacy is fishy here, it's odd that someone wants to be alone, suspicious, multiple doors that lead to swing others are simply ' itself be cause for sympathy and affection.

Of course the tourist district of freak-street and Kumari's still in Nepali style compared to Thamel. Formed a nice little family of heterogeneous and impermanent and native Nepalese tourists. Remaining some time to Freak Street you will soon feel a bit at home is why it is difficult to leave. It is in the rhythm of Nepal, it takes her little couch-potato habits and routine soon made it squarely within the landscape of the neighborhood. Here everyone you said hello, whatever the time when you wake up. Finally nobody judges you, the Nepalese are naturally very tolerant. Qualities Heart often take precedence over dogma.
For a regular in India, Hinduism in Nepal may seem a little folk, yet softer and less accessible. Very few Hindus and Buddhists are vegetarians in Nepal. Hindu dietary restrictions are very few observed in this region where the practical conditions have taken over the restrictive side of religion. Say that the departures from the rule are frequent, and no taboos! Nepal was himself very imperfect, he is careful not to judge you. The winds of freedom blowing in their minds inspired by tolerance. You can surprise young couples flirting in cafes in the city the attitude of young leaves no doubt about their preference for modernity and the "western way of life style."

season crop of ganja and especially Sharra will soon begin on the Himalayan slopes hard.

In a few days at best hashish is available on newsstands, the lowest price. Prepare the leaves to dry run it will chat about a Chi, it is still much better au naturel! Here too we can not smoke in a place apart shilom closed. Know the few places where you can smoke joints without risking anything. Yet you can see the old hill with bundles of ganja on his back across town safely from even before the army and police.

sharra Smoking is not really legal, it's just taboo. We all smoked, but it should not be.

Everything can be sometimes very contradictory because a cop is Nepali smoking cone gets torn quarter of an hour, it is clear. Like a common point between this nascent democracy and our old Marianne breath.

The police need a special exemption to control a tourist, it itches them stick to align ourselves but they need a package of suspicion to search a Western single smoker Bedo c ' is out of context. During the tourist royalty-king should never be particularly bothered by political or social problems of the country, the slogan was "let them eat" with impunity. This may change with the new provision of the state of Nepal Maoist ... Since the new democratically elected government is in place Prashanda with its head everything is increasingly fliquer. Now traders are forced to close shop in 22h. Especially in Thamel is not clear why the very beginning of tourist season the police arrived an hour early, and closing the night in his frustration of not enough. Alcoholism is highly developed in Nepal and the new interior minister says it wants to curb the phenomenon by these fascist measures. Night life is limited to a few places in Kathmandu, mostly around the pole Thamel, a few concerts at the "Reggae Bar", some teufettes trance-organized by the Russian "Tongues and fairies" atmosphere teenage R & B "Funky Buddha", not short enough to beat a duck for a westen used with varying degrees of debauchery much nuisance.
The overall selection is underway, a cul dappled with thinning hair henna begs me to come into his shop to buy trinkets unbeatable price, double the price, very good price my friend. Suddenly refocus on the real and famine: the hearts are hungry, there is nothing left.

Inflation is rampant, such as insecurity.

Yet if you know the correct price of things we will grant without too much difficulty, he must know how to get ahead, by kindness, there will always be an honest trader with whom parley.

Communism is "working, shut up and sleep," they do not provide a lot of entertainment for Sensible people toil for them ...
Perhaps it is an international movement of pampering, we prefer our leaders to Home nose glued to the TV, if possible before these screens contaminated by the unreal-gogo poufs in tight panties bottomless. Ass perched high takes the place of honor, but does not look, it's only for the rich, to showcase the hoax is still contagious.

Rhododendrons in bloom, hair in the wind from the south, inadequacy of the bulb glow of a loving gaze after the distribution of a donut exchanged.
"Do not Get Attached to detachment," dude. Some days you get up there and prances like a butterfly from the sun. Is relativized all around and like a fish would have adapted in its jar, bubble.

My mission "Dogs" takes place according to some inconsiderate, the truth is that when you give love a dog there are 100% chance that he loves you in return.

then I begin a period of material generosity that I do not relate to compassion into action that is totally selfless. For over a week I spend my day to distribute alms to the people my brothers and sisters. It's party the day of bleeding, I get up, barely breathed me an old scrap its tax already bakchish I have not even entitled to a Namaste!
Generosity exasperated, you strive to do your best but there is never enough.

is next to the moldy old lady actress Commedia del Arte, you can not resist it too is excellent delivery. The fake babas dressed in orange robes of royal succession in the table of Kumari's, they pick up their 5 rupees each in turn. Rags on green t-shirt gutted eyes filled with black Kajal, you can not avoid their piercing eyes that beg you to give them an ice cream, cookies, in a little superfluous in this real world. An old grandpa bent with the burdens of life just to try his luck. His only hope is to try to scrounge a few rupees to foreign visitors to pay for his medical treatment. There is no social system in Nepal to help the poor, nothing can get by on their shit not enviable.

This week I was exhausted, I'm like a sponge dried in a bad mood I have bad Mine, I can not take a step in Kathmandu without being taxed. Indeed, many beneficiaries selected by affinity I spread the word and soon the French bizarre black bindi is overwhelmed by the endless complaints of each other. I spend my time to deliver meals, sub, cookies and milk, pay winery in number, and at the end of the day I was still tax. is terrible but we understand that attending the use humanely is mostly feel good, be comfortable with his staff will, therefore aim at the base was far from disinterested.
There has never enough with humans.

Consider that could affect their present condition seems to be Ego. Ultimately we must not play God. That's a key that leads to paradise on Earth.

A little love and nursing distilled to a few children left too early in life get me real earned respectability in the neighborhood.

When one does what we can with what little we have, collusion with other people is total and contaminating.

At one point I broke down and curled myself up like an oyster in my den when I focus on my puppy-dogs. I am reconciled to life through these scattered pearls canines like the plague. Distribution Biskits, forgotten leftovers in restaurants and especially unconditional love "us." Mothering well produced and donated personal care in emergency clean absolutely unselfish goal. Dogs recognize me, I'm probably one of them.
My Baby-Dog from Freak Street
In Kathmandu and elsewhere the duration of my stay often depends on the presence of a dog "shiva-dog" is not really a dog and I have to educate and love for a moment, a week, a month or a few minutes, I learn to love them without attachment and completely selfless, a perfection in the eyes and clear vision of auras without trial.
Here I am part of a pack of Freak Street, as Gokarna virtually all dogs are Shiva-Dogs, that is, human souls incarnated in decline for a short and difficult penance life of a dog, taking care of them with love we remind Hindus that the dog is an animal sacred to the same extent as the sacred cow Gaumata, our mother. Dog the sacred vehicle of Bhairav and his Shakti Kali ultimate gods, "supervise" of Shiva.

Drop by drop fills the gauge of selfless good while human beings criticize the lack of attention their remaining, sorry, too disappointing these people no mirror never showed .
life follows its course to the Green Lodge and time flies when you feel almost at home itself. The young Dinesh me up my cellar and I am leading a good pourbiche, not little cute I can not give you my I-pod. We must also learn not to show too much.

Everyday Raj Kumar, 13 years collects plastic bottles littering the winding streets of Kathmandu and majestic, I often provides the winery or a meal of dhal-bhat (rice-lentil soup and vegetables, favorite food of Nepal) and we talk, he speaks English well enough and has an arrogance that makes him a true "king" of the street. Raj in Hindi means king

I'd like to dream that one day this child so his condition but the reality requires more realism, its eye warrior will not suffice in this reality of caste.
I think a little Kunkyen is between the D. Day 17 and Sept. 21, he does not care as his first lie. His soul continues to reach me by shock waves and intermittent mysterious telepathic interconnections can not be more real sensations.

Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti

© 2008-arrival-kathmandu-city.html * KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 1 * KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3


"The time process can't bring the new, Time Is Not a Way of Creation.

In the process of time there is no transformation there is only a continuity and no ending.
In the process of time there is nothing but Recognition. It is only when you have complete cessation of the time process, of the activity of the self, is there the New, is there Revolution, is there Transformation.

So Love is not of Time you can't come upon it through any conscious effort, through any discipline, through identification, which are all a process of Time.
The Mind, knowing only the process of Time, cannot recognize Love.
Love is the only thing that is new, eternally new. Since most of us have cultivated the Mind, which is a process of Time, which is the result of Time, We Do Not Know What Love Is. "

KRISHNAMURTI  "Reflections on the self"

All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti

Saturday, August 23, 2008

2005 Toyota Sequoiablueprints

KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2

Tribute to King Birendra
Friday, August 8, 2008: 08.08.2008 at 08.08 PM *
Olympic Games last 15 days, top clock, 8 digit Saturn symbol of karma and infinite perpetually.
No way to find a TV to watch the broadcast of the opening games in Beijing, everyone would pack the balls to Kathmandu.

Tibetans, shrinking, no liberation is the advertising program. The new code secret magic would be "Save Tibet" instead of "free Tibet". Dream is over we must not delude ourselves. Thousands of Tibetans arrested outside the Chinese consulate in Kathmandu, every day since the early games, they would all be released the same evening. All these movements protesters were quickly calmed. The Nepalese authorities have promised the Chinese to police strictly. The arrests multiply for mass registration and taking pictures of pro-Tibet demonstrators.
I have not written a line from my room to change the "Green Lodge", yet everything is better with a proper bathroom in the room for 250 Nepali rupees per night ( or € 2.50). The door closes properly double-locked, there is even a safety-drawer in the cabinet. All held by a worthy father and son who take turns to stand guard, you feel better right away in the good vibration.
The icing on the cake is that there is occasionally a wifi connection unsecure! So there is that long term tenants ...
I got sick and have its own health in this case is the great luxury. For several days I could not get away over an hour of my room. It was a great moment of discharge. After he must relearn how to eat like a duck after a big storm on the Atlantic.
Freak Street Kathmandu (its Nepali name "Jocchen)

is the kind of place where you will stagnate. In an ambient wind j'men care less, you squat on the terrace restaurants and guesthouses. You spend your day talking with major presence in Nepal and westeners. You stroll through the many streets on the lookout for the schedule change. A good atmosphere baba-cool travelers throughout the course continues. We're missing some musicians, where are the brothers?

Jungle Freak-Streetienne offers travelers a range of well-browned.

French side we used all the sauces.

There is the teacher of French high school philosophy that believes Marrakesh live in a world where everyone has perfect bisounours his chance thanks to "secularism". The Algerian sister proselytes converted to Catholicism in Calcutta, who instead sees evil everywhere Wave of anguish permanent care. The son of Argentine intellectual diplomat who teaches at CIA and other scholarly readings, you can not put one, the guy he'll teach you to think. The showman of the Sarthe who lives on his sleeve for a few months after a journey in China. The lover of tai chi that has taken the same English accent in French. The little couple clean on his party in mop unlikely road masochist in Bihar. The slip-dirty hair who thinks he is the king of the village and of course my neighbor hémérite blogger who has definitely left France to establish his base in India to Varkala in the sublime state of Kerala.

----> Franck's Blog:

Eagles at bay strut of boredom, and dogs in the street demanding their "Biskit".

Recreation habit, high altitude pilgrimage, veneration of the easement with the key to identifying self-centered. We are the kings of the world as we have of the rupee in his pocket, and you have to distribute to deserve respect. We are guests and we must remember that before 1950 there was no tourist visa to Nepal, he had to show a velvet paw. I think that even today we must be careful because I noticed that mustard goes very quickly in the face of Nepal when something goes wrong, he saw red soon ... From a state perfectly shanti, for a trifle of our point of view, a Nepali can go into a state of anger with black eyes that are so scared they are full of knives. All of a sudden you become again a stranger there is more than "good friend". Here cheveulu any baker can be cool, you t'entiches a gourd before the blaze Japanese friends, you yapping of nonsense rhetoric common to hide your aggressiveness, and go around the world . What they are boring these males ptits base looks like a generation of stunted in their twenties, it promises for the future, it believes all know, while it is interested in nothing.

The economy of the vacuum is the anatomy of reality, a failure disguised as an insider is better outcast.

abortive attempt sexual cute Kunkyen age. He had the same ears. A bitter taste of dirt exchanged a look with envy - rotten meat - after three seconds of contention was the machine jammed packed with all his substance sufficient to disgraced myself a No. The game is sad pathetic heterosexual. Of love can only survive under the shade of a sun exhausted by its radius of sufficiency. A bitch that do can get caught, that the poor guy has a picture of a girl "Free".
RELOUT a priori of the mediocrity of the current sounds into a symphony of lies acceptable. Achievement on the monstrous nature of the relationship "normal" in our region Babylonian mass of ignoramuses in perpetual masturbation. Bagatelle
zero risk. Unnecessary risk-taking saw the nothing.

A good traveler plan in Kathmandu: the friday night Casino.
To receive this good plan just landed on Friday evening at the casino: Free admission, Buffet royal control, cigarettes and soft drinks available. All in a cabaret environment, Nepali-cancan on stage marshmallow and chocolate sandwich. Dynamics of hot dancers ass, I did not ask if they are extras in the late evening but it would not surprise me. The dancers throw me interested eyes, I wonder if I have not taken a recruiter for Bollywood!

But as we got mowed to seven-Freak Streetiens all in the same taxi. The boss was a bit of cum, for some of the key. It is clear that looks to keyers first one will not bet much on the gaming tables, but fill the stomachs of large plates of various dishes and varied.

to drink alcohol at will, it's easy, get on a gaming table, and play at least 1,000 Nepalese rupees, or 10 € to change in casino chips. The champagne arrives galore, there is more than just ask the many staff in place.
Meanwhile, women can be put nail polish, or consult an astrologer, at the expense of the princess, all of which is to invite more people to stay and gamble. See Japanese get drunk it was something sad, we say: where are the samurai? Despite their ultra-sophisticated eye they looked like bells.
I do not listen to the thoughts of others, or I shall go mad.

Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti ©

* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 1 kathmandu-city.html

* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2

Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3

http://shivashaktishanti . /
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti

Monday, August 4, 2008

Explain Contract In Business Agreement

KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 1

August 1, 2008:
BLACK MOON Arrival in Kathmandu ...

Arriving by taxi rotten but really even in India I had never seen such a clunker, 500 Indian rupees race I have done well so it was a good old "pre-paid taxi" from the airport ... Shit,
I do not know anything about the prices in Nepal, I forgot my notebook prices in 2005 and then after 2 nights airport let me tell you cowards the business with Rs quickly arise, arrival around 17h in Kathmandu City ...
Freak Street - Room 1 of the 2 above-street-lingams Buddhas.

"Lill Wings Residence , Very nice room in the heart of past action, it is clear that the hippies bah y'en more. Am I The Last One? The Israeli vibe was right on us, we are only consumers of vulgar rude, no need to play the "happy few". The main problem is the bathroom where there was once water on 2. It is filthy, giant cockroaches and mice squat portion of dirty red tile cutter. The shower head is so clogged with scale and corrosion that only three streams of water you reach the face in a stream of nasty temper. And then there's nothing worse than Western toilets never washed. Here is murky to its ptites and large commissions. That's why I prefer 40000 times the Indian toilet: hygiene, nothing beats a good old plastic tub fun to wipe the water! You mean the "Live the present", go duchnok What is this?

What all these routine pile of shit ... Retrieve a diamond every day, what mission!
Unfortunately the inconvenience of this room to add As the hours spent in this "Lill Residence Wings" ... The room itself I like, there are three windows which open directly Freak Street and ptits buddhas-lingams, characteristics of Nepal this mix Buddhist and Hindus in the same sculpture. And then connecting to the personal symbolism to be planted my base for now, it's a good observation post. But the sliding door is very weak, even downright sucks. The closure is not so reassuring, that a latch can to close to the limit a wardrobe or closet but not a hotel room. In addition there is a weird neighbors Austria and especially sucks, and bullies in shambles. Everyone tries to earn his bread, must say that 1 € = 107 NRs, you already know the standard of living here for a few cents there s'écharpe the bun ... it smiles too much to be true, I do not like it. is my first time in Asia with my computer, I hope I do not regret it.

Here one feels nothing of the political changes that took place recently in Nepal, democracy? What does it mean now, just what is an advertising concept? What difference does it make in their life practice?
I guess it starts solo travel jaded, everybody was heavy. In truth, I see nothing enviable. What they are plan-plans all these couples, especially young people!
How boring is offered to show me. That's what makes me to stay as I am, by some as an opportunistic parasite that clings to the beautiful branches dotted with good fresh leaves without ever working, we can say that I painted.
When I see dads who are worth hundreds of pounds on their backs for a few rupees I'm a little ashamed of so many disparities unfairly distributed by I do not know why? Shiva is it in fact? Who is the guarantor of the proper conduct of karma? Would it not mistakes sometimes, in the labeling of Birth ?
The truth, everything is written, input or dessert?

I do not know if the Blessings of Shiva will be enough to get by me on my shit enviable.
Currently no horizon in sight, we will live the present as it comes. I do hope that I can accomplish that for which I am coming: prepare for my journalism school in October, buy a camera of the ball and the chopper story, pictures, contacts, news, whatever interesting and not interested.

I'm still in the jet-lag. I slept like a teddy bear a Much of the afternoon. Yet I had closed at 7 am, like everyone else here, because after 22h in Kathmandu is widespread closures, an hour later we heard more noise. This is the total blackout all day while it was a cacophony of loud sounds and without interruptions. No night life, except perhaps in the brothels ...

Kal Bhairav the square of Kathmandu Durbar Square

I found my doggie-dog Swedish colleague Susan Gokarna with his Nepalese friend Mr Nice, who had the baby-dog Kudla crushed by a jeep on his first ride Gokarn Village. It was picked up in the back of Bhairav on Durbar Square, it's nice to see good heads! No wifi, fo I buy an adapter to recharge the computer or I'll surniquer, i-pods and all current technologies resent the power of this country east inconstant. It's pouring all night, as planned ... The day as it's pouring, it's good for morale. :)(...)

I attended in the late afternoon, returning a horrible scene of the Thamel tourist district on-. A poor guy in his twenties, Nepalese, Nepali abused by others in front of the Nepal Police.
It seems he was stoned to be unconscious on the ground, then they beat him with rifle and tatannes slaps in the stomach. They dragged to the police station as a bag of dirty laundry, I ended up telling them in English "you are not ashamed, 30 on the same boy on the ground, what bravery ". I filmed a lil piece of the scene with my laptop, it sucks not to understand the language of the country in those moments, because you realize that they tell you that bullshit. White banania he not know they have an unfortunate tendency to talk them into anything and everything, especially when violent situations arise.

August 3, 2008: Well maybe it is the accumulation of RELOUT of the day and Full monsoon rain that make me depressed but I realize objectively as I will not stay there a month, it is clear, I'm already starting to piss me off.
Here it is not Mother India. I have a super special link with India. And here I felt nothing, despite the magnificent carved wooden temples to the various effigies of Shakti or Parvati and Kali Shivaya. I feel less "The Vibe". I'm an alien, as in France. I have a vibe "Indian", like this site ... If you view me as an Indian Woman is rather a nice compliment.

But we are closed to other us greenhorns.
Smoking joints for a neo-hippie that seem normal but I have not even found Sharra saving. There's more albedo in Kathmandu is not possible we longer be on Earth.

I share my room with a mouse. I hope it's a snap of Ganesh to reassure me of the sequence of events. I'm used to the intensiveness, doggone shit.
All day from 8h to 21h just below my room the music store spends his tracks loudly. It's cool music that goes, but hey we like to still have a few moments of silence in the day. More with all the gear I have and with the possibility of buying a camera soon latch the door makes me freak ...

And the bathroom, a horror. I "lavouillée since my arrival but I sense the imminent arrival of my period. I feel the rise of buggery lead happen, as a wave of straightforward objectivity. I will change guest-house and this room is only a matter of hours ... Not but waits three streams of water emerging from knob on worn-scale and corrosion, They call it "a shower"! But good for 150 rupees a night is not too choosy ... But anyway I think I'll put 100 rupees more for me to find a room not too bad, with less inconvenience.

The annapurna it told me nothing, I squatted there with Shanti, but there is not room fliquer vibe, let's eat something from time to time, just to keep good contacts ...

9:30 p.m. It is death that grieves me.

Nepal is a young nation I can not believe they did not want to go out after 22h? Note that the people of Nepal at the crossroads of all the peoples of Asia and rich mixtures thereof, is an extremely people physiquement.J beautiful I saw boys and girls in a breathtaking beauty, and unadorned.

The ladies are of Nepalese dignity hammering a duck, the shakti in a pure state. Plus the front is big bindi, and material success is made, under their respective caste course. The gents are also too good with their berets Nepalese colored patterns. By cons I do not know if the colors are significaion on their caste. Mystery and gumdrop.

is a real curfew, 22h, cops turn the night to see if mice are reluctant to roam, sometimes they could bludgeon it's something they would do in the evening to tell their wives.
Good sleep on it! I hope a good dream or not I will strengthen my decision to move, but I feel that if there is room at the Green Hotel tomorrow I move to 100 or 150 rupees more, to negotiate as usual. It's not far, just one block from home. The three windows I will miss ... but that's it! Bye "Lil Wings Guest-house" you're just a very small beginning.

Peace Love Light from Shiva Shakti Shanti ©

* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 1
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2 * KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti