Monday, December 8, 2008

Can You Buy Pre Seed In A Shop

They Shoot Ponies

Reminder. Sarkozy has nothing invented. It annoys me cause of that yet, but it will be fast, for cons, it was invented, invented by a society at a certain stage of its history because it must meet conditions for making such a thing. Aberrations, the borderline, short faults in a company are good indicators of his condition. It also works with trains arriving on time, with non-events, when everything seems so normal that we do not notice that something has happened, or did not happen. This requires barometers. These in turn become barometers of issues, I've already talked with the indices. In my new neighborhood, for example, a key barometer will be destroyed (I say barometer, but it's obviously more than that), a grocery solidarity that existed for over ten years will be closed for lack of state subsidies, while even as more and more families came to buy the minimum needed for subsistence.
There is a barometer I'd like to see implemented, one that would measure the attendance of castings of reality TV shows. The principle issue was born in Holland there is a good ten years, but had been imagined in the '80s by Robert Sheckley, his book had given rise to a famous movie, "The price of risk. In its actual version, the viewer enters the intimacy of a handful of guinea pigs and regularly refers to sacrifice a member. These emissions have been a great success, but for some time, it settles. However, a craze is still around people out 'live' these emissions, and some acquire a certain renown. This is the case of New Star for example. The staging of success and talent of the grantee raises hope for a Grand many young people. A participant in one of these castings made me a very colorful description of this event. Several hours
tail in the cold, in a subdued crowd, wondering what she did there. As it progresses, however, she begins to remember the purpose of his presence. The end of the tunnel approaches, organizers are sent regularly to create an atmosphere, to excite the participants, camera on his shoulder. The staging begins. The crowd becomes both actor and spectator, it is filmed, when reconstituted arrive within it the first people chosen out of the cast, everyone can see that something happens. Which is hitherto imagined, makes reality. The crowd becomes sluggish herd, doubts vanish, staging creates the staging, sounds begin to emerge, some sing despite the cold, others are clowns, each expressing one side of the crowd , submission or posting. Hope grows, we will be heard, the jury is within earshot, more than a few meters.
It takes five seconds. The crowd became
show. His staging was the purpose of this "castring" the eye of the camera is the viewer's concentrated, superego, his obscenity. There should be a barometer of obscenity, a political barometer.


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