The terrorist is the big time. A principled enemy, a curse that must be deducted from any award of society. The terrorist crystallizes anxieties. It is pointed at, shunned, it's a monster. A blind monster (because a monster is always blind, eh!) That kills indiscriminately. He is an addict, always conspiracy and whose actions are guided by ideology. The terrorists still hiding something, and if he lives among us, it is always suspect to mask the real reasons for his presence. A terrorist has a dark side that condemns de facto. Thus all otherness becomes the sign of a possible-be terrorist. Figure
the terrorist, fanatic, hirsute and feverish, his features distorted by hatred he bears, is an image of Epinal, which crosses the ages. It attacks the social body, kills indiscriminately (so), and in some cases can be treated as an evil, a gangster who under the guise of big ideas (whose nobility is still debatable), just trying to get rich . The terrorist accepts his status as a terrorist, and receive this name for him is the purpose of his action. He wants to be recognized, because the terrorist needs the publicity (the act of making public) to exist. A terrorist becomes so only when it is called terrorism.
But the terrorist is also a scapegoat, he is stigmatized (inevitably), it has a fault, it is a bad conscience, proof that something does not work, or else that he is mad, the evidence that something does not work in it (which can go hand in hand, should not kidding). The terrorist is both a sign of discomfort as discomfort. His evocation disorder. It disturbs the ruling, inspires and provokes disgust immediate condemnation. The terrorist must be killed. He has no right of citizenship. For him ostracism or death.
Who may well have a legitimate right to name someone a terrorist? Who has this amazing power of taxonomy? J 'will not make you a drawing. I noticed something that bothered me for quite some time is that the power of branding has gradually devolved or decentralized. Certain terms are used to demonstrate the power of a group or an individual, and among these words there is an anti-Semite that became an issue in the media field. One who can designate someone as anti-Semitic, and to be heard thus recognized as legitimate to do so, finds himself with this weapon of mass destruction that is normally in the hands of the state: the taxonomy. Bourdieu has become anti-Semitic, Sine, Pudlowski, Morin goes on .... Often to resolve differences that have nothing to do with any anti-Semitism (there are anti-Semites, hence the term whatsoever). And
history of teasing, I want to finish by saying that States often dealing with individuals or legal entities as terrorists are terrorist states.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Can You Buy Pre Seed In A Shop
They Shoot Ponies
Reminder. Sarkozy has nothing invented. It annoys me cause of that yet, but it will be fast, for cons, it was invented, invented by a society at a certain stage of its history because it must meet conditions for making such a thing. Aberrations, the borderline, short faults in a company are good indicators of his condition. It also works with trains arriving on time, with non-events, when everything seems so normal that we do not notice that something has happened, or did not happen. This requires barometers. These in turn become barometers of issues, I've already talked with the indices. In my new neighborhood, for example, a key barometer will be destroyed (I say barometer, but it's obviously more than that), a grocery solidarity that existed for over ten years will be closed for lack of state subsidies, while even as more and more families came to buy the minimum needed for subsistence.
There is a barometer I'd like to see implemented, one that would measure the attendance of castings of reality TV shows. The principle issue was born in Holland there is a good ten years, but had been imagined in the '80s by Robert Sheckley, his book had given rise to a famous movie, "The price of risk. In its actual version, the viewer enters the intimacy of a handful of guinea pigs and regularly refers to sacrifice a member. These emissions have been a great success, but for some time, it settles. However, a craze is still around people out 'live' these emissions, and some acquire a certain renown. This is the case of New Star for example. The staging of success and talent of the grantee raises hope for a Grand many young people. A participant in one of these castings made me a very colorful description of this event. Several hours
tail in the cold, in a subdued crowd, wondering what she did there. As it progresses, however, she begins to remember the purpose of his presence. The end of the tunnel approaches, organizers are sent regularly to create an atmosphere, to excite the participants, camera on his shoulder. The staging begins. The crowd becomes both actor and spectator, it is filmed, when reconstituted arrive within it the first people chosen out of the cast, everyone can see that something happens. Which is hitherto imagined, makes reality. The crowd becomes sluggish herd, doubts vanish, staging creates the staging, sounds begin to emerge, some sing despite the cold, others are clowns, each expressing one side of the crowd , submission or posting. Hope grows, we will be heard, the jury is within earshot, more than a few meters.
It takes five seconds. The crowd became
show. His staging was the purpose of this "castring" the eye of the camera is the viewer's concentrated, superego, his obscenity. There should be a barometer of obscenity, a political barometer.
Reminder. Sarkozy has nothing invented. It annoys me cause of that yet, but it will be fast, for cons, it was invented, invented by a society at a certain stage of its history because it must meet conditions for making such a thing. Aberrations, the borderline, short faults in a company are good indicators of his condition. It also works with trains arriving on time, with non-events, when everything seems so normal that we do not notice that something has happened, or did not happen. This requires barometers. These in turn become barometers of issues, I've already talked with the indices. In my new neighborhood, for example, a key barometer will be destroyed (I say barometer, but it's obviously more than that), a grocery solidarity that existed for over ten years will be closed for lack of state subsidies, while even as more and more families came to buy the minimum needed for subsistence.
There is a barometer I'd like to see implemented, one that would measure the attendance of castings of reality TV shows. The principle issue was born in Holland there is a good ten years, but had been imagined in the '80s by Robert Sheckley, his book had given rise to a famous movie, "The price of risk. In its actual version, the viewer enters the intimacy of a handful of guinea pigs and regularly refers to sacrifice a member. These emissions have been a great success, but for some time, it settles. However, a craze is still around people out 'live' these emissions, and some acquire a certain renown. This is the case of New Star for example. The staging of success and talent of the grantee raises hope for a Grand many young people. A participant in one of these castings made me a very colorful description of this event. Several hours
tail in the cold, in a subdued crowd, wondering what she did there. As it progresses, however, she begins to remember the purpose of his presence. The end of the tunnel approaches, organizers are sent regularly to create an atmosphere, to excite the participants, camera on his shoulder. The staging begins. The crowd becomes both actor and spectator, it is filmed, when reconstituted arrive within it the first people chosen out of the cast, everyone can see that something happens. Which is hitherto imagined, makes reality. The crowd becomes sluggish herd, doubts vanish, staging creates the staging, sounds begin to emerge, some sing despite the cold, others are clowns, each expressing one side of the crowd , submission or posting. Hope grows, we will be heard, the jury is within earshot, more than a few meters.
It takes five seconds. The crowd became
show. His staging was the purpose of this "castring" the eye of the camera is the viewer's concentrated, superego, his obscenity. There should be a barometer of obscenity, a political barometer.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Answers To Unit 8 Level C
Foreclosure possible
In my Ford interior, I think that still is a bit excessive as the title. And more so than you think about it, I do not know what I'll talk. I'm leaving a few examples.
In writing the term "foreclosure" returned to me an anecdote from office, as they say. Follow the thread that led to the decision that was imposed on all is fine, a complex of personal reasons, relationships between employees and some managers and a major economic statement a bit wobbly, but he was nevertheless it took one day be told that the work was limited to the employment contract, and only the latter prevailed. First consequence, it should arrive on time. When we know the work, it is obvious that the arrival time has nothing to do with the quality of work. Yet what was advanced in the first place. Then I knew the goal was to control some, the possibility to start dismissal procedures. From the moment that all managers working together to impose this decision, became possible for the Directorate. Second consequence, I quit. It was not a direct and binding decision, but the climate was becoming unbearable.
Another example is more personal so I'll be evasive. From a disappointment in love quite heavy, it's hard to get acclimated to certain relationships, I can not imagine what could happen peacefully and do show some love incontinence. I become unable to think of the possible and the urgency I destroy that feeling. I can no longer keep letting go and the certainty of what can happen. Inevitably, I limit the relationship by building a kind of contract.
Another example I draw from an email sent to me recently in response to one of my blogs, which confirmed what I had told a friend. In some councils or local authorities, it is possible to implement social action, cultural, sports ... if any policy is absent, often because of the numerous re-elections of the decision in place. In communities where policies are in struggle for power, these actions depend entirely on those struggles. It becomes impossible to work calmly, and everything has been done may be questioned overnight.
Caught in such situations, depression, one feels a sense of deprivation, uselessness. But each time, there are solutions that go through the struggle, personal, political and / or social should not be lulled into thinking that everything ends with this failure, nothing else is possible that what happened had the character of necessity. It is now important that we should not screw up, the time of the changeover. I have seen some real sacrifices that announced psychological explosions, when faced with an event which was thought not to have taken, we invented for failing to deal with failure.
must take power, take failure and the possible reopening.
In my Ford interior, I think that still is a bit excessive as the title. And more so than you think about it, I do not know what I'll talk. I'm leaving a few examples.
In writing the term "foreclosure" returned to me an anecdote from office, as they say. Follow the thread that led to the decision that was imposed on all is fine, a complex of personal reasons, relationships between employees and some managers and a major economic statement a bit wobbly, but he was nevertheless it took one day be told that the work was limited to the employment contract, and only the latter prevailed. First consequence, it should arrive on time. When we know the work, it is obvious that the arrival time has nothing to do with the quality of work. Yet what was advanced in the first place. Then I knew the goal was to control some, the possibility to start dismissal procedures. From the moment that all managers working together to impose this decision, became possible for the Directorate. Second consequence, I quit. It was not a direct and binding decision, but the climate was becoming unbearable.
Another example is more personal so I'll be evasive. From a disappointment in love quite heavy, it's hard to get acclimated to certain relationships, I can not imagine what could happen peacefully and do show some love incontinence. I become unable to think of the possible and the urgency I destroy that feeling. I can no longer keep letting go and the certainty of what can happen. Inevitably, I limit the relationship by building a kind of contract.
Another example I draw from an email sent to me recently in response to one of my blogs, which confirmed what I had told a friend. In some councils or local authorities, it is possible to implement social action, cultural, sports ... if any policy is absent, often because of the numerous re-elections of the decision in place. In communities where policies are in struggle for power, these actions depend entirely on those struggles. It becomes impossible to work calmly, and everything has been done may be questioned overnight.
Caught in such situations, depression, one feels a sense of deprivation, uselessness. But each time, there are solutions that go through the struggle, personal, political and / or social should not be lulled into thinking that everything ends with this failure, nothing else is possible that what happened had the character of necessity. It is now important that we should not screw up, the time of the changeover. I have seen some real sacrifices that announced psychological explosions, when faced with an event which was thought not to have taken, we invented for failing to deal with failure.
must take power, take failure and the possible reopening.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Estructura Lewis Clf2
Together everything becomes possible
First point: the site of the candidate Nicolas Sarkozy is no longer available, I can not certify the absence of a comma between Together and All. In its prospectus, at no time the two terms are separated. "Set it ..." "To this together ..." etc..
Second point: the definitions are taken from the Littré and I will direct my speech so I will not use all the meanings of the terms discussed.
Third point: I am committed to do not show any neutrality.
Together: Both at the same time, simultaneously / In body, w / All together, all taken at once and without regard to details.
All: Who understands all, integrity, leaving nothing out. Become
: Take a way, a certain quality.
Possible: Who can that can be done. Matches
I note that the terms of this slogan are in pairs. Ensemble / Everything and Become / Possible. The first couple means a totality. The second opening.
Other pairs: Ensemble / All Possible and / Becoming, opposed pairs because the first refers to a finite totality and which do not contain either the totality of what is not finished, and the second means a whole is changing.
Finally Set to Become A and / Possible, pairs much more interesting since they refer to totalities unfinished.
's go!
Every time we have a pre-requisite to be set, and no point does the immediacy of the relationship. There is not a time to set and a time thereafter. Everything comes together. While this set does not separate anything. It Together Everything is pre-requisite. That is what will enable a move towards an opening verse. Everything must be close so that everything opens. The whole is possible, since the possible fate is so only because nothing is beyond. The uniqueness of all is the only become possible.
This has nothing to do with the ability to act together to do something, you do not open the potential for joint struggle and the possible exists because it is in what is already united. Everything becomes possible from the moment the unit is made is the exact opposite of the slogan of 68 "Be realistic, demand the impossible "at any time it is asked to imagine what could be, but to have everything because everything is. The unit is the only field of possibilities. The constitution in these conditions a ministry of racial purity became mandatory. Anything that is not in the package must be removed so that the only possibilities are already in the Set.
What are these options that are already there, since what is possible is what can be? There are sets of possibilities, each depending on certain conditions. But to say that everything is possible because there is a set already, is to ignore the infinite number of conditions of existence of other sets of possibilities. Possible is only to be set.
Not Everything is possible because there is a whole, but only is possible that all. And then we could expect anything. And for once, whore, it is served.
First point: the site of the candidate Nicolas Sarkozy is no longer available, I can not certify the absence of a comma between Together and All. In its prospectus, at no time the two terms are separated. "Set it ..." "To this together ..." etc..
Second point: the definitions are taken from the Littré and I will direct my speech so I will not use all the meanings of the terms discussed.
Third point: I am committed to do not show any neutrality.
Together: Both at the same time, simultaneously / In body, w / All together, all taken at once and without regard to details.
All: Who understands all, integrity, leaving nothing out. Become
: Take a way, a certain quality.
Possible: Who can that can be done. Matches
I note that the terms of this slogan are in pairs. Ensemble / Everything and Become / Possible. The first couple means a totality. The second opening.
Other pairs: Ensemble / All Possible and / Becoming, opposed pairs because the first refers to a finite totality and which do not contain either the totality of what is not finished, and the second means a whole is changing.
Finally Set to Become A and / Possible, pairs much more interesting since they refer to totalities unfinished.
's go!
Every time we have a pre-requisite to be set, and no point does the immediacy of the relationship. There is not a time to set and a time thereafter. Everything comes together. While this set does not separate anything. It Together Everything is pre-requisite. That is what will enable a move towards an opening verse. Everything must be close so that everything opens. The whole is possible, since the possible fate is so only because nothing is beyond. The uniqueness of all is the only become possible.
This has nothing to do with the ability to act together to do something, you do not open the potential for joint struggle and the possible exists because it is in what is already united. Everything becomes possible from the moment the unit is made is the exact opposite of the slogan of 68 "Be realistic, demand the impossible "at any time it is asked to imagine what could be, but to have everything because everything is. The unit is the only field of possibilities. The constitution in these conditions a ministry of racial purity became mandatory. Anything that is not in the package must be removed so that the only possibilities are already in the Set.
What are these options that are already there, since what is possible is what can be? There are sets of possibilities, each depending on certain conditions. But to say that everything is possible because there is a set already, is to ignore the infinite number of conditions of existence of other sets of possibilities. Possible is only to be set.
Not Everything is possible because there is a whole, but only is possible that all. And then we could expect anything. And for once, whore, it is served.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bmi For Large Breasts
conditions provided
For three hours I crossed out, resume, change the damn paper. I initially wanted to respond to an idea developed by Emmanuel Todd in interview with Médiapart. He stretched with a certain lasciviousness intellectual (this is a great sensualist) on this realization that we were in a desert period. Ideologies have been replaced by a vacuum, and the dominant ideology, he said that starting from an analysis on the reproduction of elites, is an empty ideology. The thinkers of capitalism would not recognize them (s) small (s). And, funny thing, this vacuum is a vacuum of alternatives. There is no ideology ready to take over. No communism or fascism, so we have time to think what will happen to property. I summarize of course.
After this, I wanted to sneak into this idea and subtle almost diabolical, that capitalism (the historical process ...) started to look like in the construction of discourse on capitalism by the elites to Islam. Once the shock wore off, I wanted to introduce the concepts of Jahiliya of Fitna, the associationist, the finiteness of the number of names of God, etc.. In short the basic stuff. Then, having also made a small dot on the Trinitarian nature of God in the West, the importance of this kind in the history of thought, and quoted a very thin Aristotle, I thought I could oppose Trinitarian nature and unitary nature of divine and demonstrate that the transition from one to the other is this ongoing process in the thinking of capitalism. That would not entirely refused Bruno Etienne, who told us that the future of Islam is capitalized.
I can only conclude that this attempt is a failure. I can only scratch the surface, give the basic structure and conclude, sheepishly, that the vacuum was talking about Todd is apparent, he does not deny (that Todd still, oh !), and there is a speech turnkey ready resubstantifier discourse of capitalism (capitalism does not mean it is a shortcut).
Epilogue: what do we find so opposite, so according to Todd, there's more nothing? Let this cause other libidinous what Zizek: "We are now unable to think of this alternative. But I still believe that we are close to an explosion. Lenin, already, the true utopia is bound to the ER. It is utopian since they can not do otherwise. In that sense, I think we will be increasingly forced to utopia. The utopian moment of Lenin before and just after the October Revolution was the result of a totally hopeless situation. Such a reaction would be related to the fact that the field of choice "realistic "Is not" realistic "as defined in conformity with the space of hegemonic ideology. "
For three hours I crossed out, resume, change the damn paper. I initially wanted to respond to an idea developed by Emmanuel Todd in interview with Médiapart. He stretched with a certain lasciviousness intellectual (this is a great sensualist) on this realization that we were in a desert period. Ideologies have been replaced by a vacuum, and the dominant ideology, he said that starting from an analysis on the reproduction of elites, is an empty ideology. The thinkers of capitalism would not recognize them (s) small (s). And, funny thing, this vacuum is a vacuum of alternatives. There is no ideology ready to take over. No communism or fascism, so we have time to think what will happen to property. I summarize of course.
After this, I wanted to sneak into this idea and subtle almost diabolical, that capitalism (the historical process ...) started to look like in the construction of discourse on capitalism by the elites to Islam. Once the shock wore off, I wanted to introduce the concepts of Jahiliya of Fitna, the associationist, the finiteness of the number of names of God, etc.. In short the basic stuff. Then, having also made a small dot on the Trinitarian nature of God in the West, the importance of this kind in the history of thought, and quoted a very thin Aristotle, I thought I could oppose Trinitarian nature and unitary nature of divine and demonstrate that the transition from one to the other is this ongoing process in the thinking of capitalism. That would not entirely refused Bruno Etienne, who told us that the future of Islam is capitalized.
I can only conclude that this attempt is a failure. I can only scratch the surface, give the basic structure and conclude, sheepishly, that the vacuum was talking about Todd is apparent, he does not deny (that Todd still, oh !), and there is a speech turnkey ready resubstantifier discourse of capitalism (capitalism does not mean it is a shortcut).
Epilogue: what do we find so opposite, so according to Todd, there's more nothing? Let this cause other libidinous what Zizek: "We are now unable to think of this alternative. But I still believe that we are close to an explosion. Lenin, already, the true utopia is bound to the ER. It is utopian since they can not do otherwise. In that sense, I think we will be increasingly forced to utopia. The utopian moment of Lenin before and just after the October Revolution was the result of a totally hopeless situation. Such a reaction would be related to the fact that the field of choice "realistic "Is not" realistic "as defined in conformity with the space of hegemonic ideology. "
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sadlier Vocab Answers Level E
And if
Vittori Filippis was arrested at his home at dawn by a gang of cowboys. Former managing editor of Liberation, always in the same newspaper journalist, he was subject to a warrant signed by Judge Muriel Josie, in the context of a defamation charge brought by a person who does not support that we speak ill of her, and insists that despite the trial lost, wanting to win. In short, a litigious. Watch journalist handcuffed, that's sort of like a fussoir. See who handcuffed elsewhere, but in some cases, it causes a little more, a political handcuffed, shackled a child ... In these cases, there is something going on. Something is wrong. A strong symbolic charge that leaves no one indifferent. If one takes the side of the judge or the cop in the maneuver, however, there is nothing abnormal there. These are procedures. Therefore warrant police intervention, so handcuffs, then incarcerated, then search the body ... Every citizen is tried, he must submit to judicial proceedings. Any procedure in progress must be completed. Unless error in procedure. Because an error in a procedure may lead to the nullity of the procedure. Warrant so ...
The validity of an act depend on the legal requirements of the act. Meet these requirements and you can start the process. This procedure will validate a posteriori and a priori that act. The procedure therefore restricts the actions of Justice. It protects litigants because anytime you can call it into question. The violence of the procedure I mentioned earlier is another consequence of its limitation. Since we must follow the letter, it is not possible that it happens otherwise, whatever the conditions of its application. And if so any procedure?
miserable I had the opportunity to live within a dismissal procedure in a company. I had an employee whose responsibility would no longer work. Yet unwilling to abandon his post. It was therefore necessary to establish a procedure to demonstrate that it was endangering the smooth operation of the service. To do this, he was able to serve him several times (three times I think) that he was hurting her work and that the warnings were no effect. Then it became possible to present its case to HR for dismissal. Meanwhile, he resigned.
A procedure is an inexorable process. Its consequence is entered a priori, and its outcome is only possible violence. But it must never be forgotten in the procedures is that they were chosen. The choice of procedure is the choice of violence, and he who hides behind the latter choice procedure is what Sartre called him a "bastard. "Sorry sir
is the procedure.
Vittori Filippis was arrested at his home at dawn by a gang of cowboys. Former managing editor of Liberation, always in the same newspaper journalist, he was subject to a warrant signed by Judge Muriel Josie, in the context of a defamation charge brought by a person who does not support that we speak ill of her, and insists that despite the trial lost, wanting to win. In short, a litigious. Watch journalist handcuffed, that's sort of like a fussoir. See who handcuffed elsewhere, but in some cases, it causes a little more, a political handcuffed, shackled a child ... In these cases, there is something going on. Something is wrong. A strong symbolic charge that leaves no one indifferent. If one takes the side of the judge or the cop in the maneuver, however, there is nothing abnormal there. These are procedures. Therefore warrant police intervention, so handcuffs, then incarcerated, then search the body ... Every citizen is tried, he must submit to judicial proceedings. Any procedure in progress must be completed. Unless error in procedure. Because an error in a procedure may lead to the nullity of the procedure. Warrant so ...
The validity of an act depend on the legal requirements of the act. Meet these requirements and you can start the process. This procedure will validate a posteriori and a priori that act. The procedure therefore restricts the actions of Justice. It protects litigants because anytime you can call it into question. The violence of the procedure I mentioned earlier is another consequence of its limitation. Since we must follow the letter, it is not possible that it happens otherwise, whatever the conditions of its application. And if so any procedure?
miserable I had the opportunity to live within a dismissal procedure in a company. I had an employee whose responsibility would no longer work. Yet unwilling to abandon his post. It was therefore necessary to establish a procedure to demonstrate that it was endangering the smooth operation of the service. To do this, he was able to serve him several times (three times I think) that he was hurting her work and that the warnings were no effect. Then it became possible to present its case to HR for dismissal. Meanwhile, he resigned.
A procedure is an inexorable process. Its consequence is entered a priori, and its outcome is only possible violence. But it must never be forgotten in the procedures is that they were chosen. The choice of procedure is the choice of violence, and he who hides behind the latter choice procedure is what Sartre called him a "bastard. "Sorry sir
is the procedure.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Kates Playground Realraptalk.com
The warm
Some days it takes me much time to simply imagine how am I going to talk, even if I'm going to cause anything. Most often it is through lack of desire. I confess. In cases where it keeps me imagine what to say, the frustration is great and the result, when it exists, is to my taste a bit shabby. Without prejudging the quality of what follows, I must say it's a flash it will be written.
Official unemployment rises. We're a little more. The reasons for this increase are available in quantity. Despite the tremendous efforts of the current administration to break all barometers, all measuring instruments independent it had to accept this evidence. Let our little tour of Littre, to find a bias: "Statistics is the science which aims to understand the extent, population, agricultural and industrial resources of a state. "It's a term that has always fascinated me, because for me it is a science of state, the ability to measure what it takes control. For the statistical knowledge will create power, the possibility for ultimately destroy the purpose of the study. Unlike sociology is a science of combat, statistics is a science of control. There have been many debates around the extent of the origins, membership of imaginary, symbolic etc.. Gold in sociology these measures are essential to understand what is being studied. On the other hand implement such tools can be dangerous because knowledge can result from simple flicage. In recent years, however, the various governments in power have strived to break all the statistical tools to be independent of non-measurement tools, tools that would justify a priori policies. For example, unemployment is falling because the measurement tools have been changed, prices fall because the basket was used to measure fluctuations prices no longer the same etc..
Despite this, unemployment increases. Everything would not be in the measuring instrument. It is cons become more difficult to know how it increases. This requires appeal to specialists who are able to read, analyze, find trends, show. It is in these cases show delivery lukewarm. I had a flash this morning, a story of one of my professors from college. He talked to any imam about radical Islam and the Imam explained to him how the faith was structured, no longer have that doubt can find its place in the world. It is ideological apparatus, although it is designed as a religion, it lets you know where you are going, who you are, for oneself and others, even if otherwise it is an alienation. After must be careful. This complex interplay between identity, alienation and ideology is the heart of human relationships, it allows to establish codes, bonds, spaces of relationship ... We must accept and understand. In the state of intellectual vacuum in which we wander for some time, there must be limits, he must mark the field, understand what is happening, do not forget that we are acting as we act. It is in this sense that we must practice analysis combat, do not hesitate to be violent record, to take sides, to go against the warm room left to show excess.
Some days it takes me much time to simply imagine how am I going to talk, even if I'm going to cause anything. Most often it is through lack of desire. I confess. In cases where it keeps me imagine what to say, the frustration is great and the result, when it exists, is to my taste a bit shabby. Without prejudging the quality of what follows, I must say it's a flash it will be written.
Official unemployment rises. We're a little more. The reasons for this increase are available in quantity. Despite the tremendous efforts of the current administration to break all barometers, all measuring instruments independent it had to accept this evidence. Let our little tour of Littre, to find a bias: "Statistics is the science which aims to understand the extent, population, agricultural and industrial resources of a state. "It's a term that has always fascinated me, because for me it is a science of state, the ability to measure what it takes control. For the statistical knowledge will create power, the possibility for ultimately destroy the purpose of the study. Unlike sociology is a science of combat, statistics is a science of control. There have been many debates around the extent of the origins, membership of imaginary, symbolic etc.. Gold in sociology these measures are essential to understand what is being studied. On the other hand implement such tools can be dangerous because knowledge can result from simple flicage. In recent years, however, the various governments in power have strived to break all the statistical tools to be independent of non-measurement tools, tools that would justify a priori policies. For example, unemployment is falling because the measurement tools have been changed, prices fall because the basket was used to measure fluctuations prices no longer the same etc..
Despite this, unemployment increases. Everything would not be in the measuring instrument. It is cons become more difficult to know how it increases. This requires appeal to specialists who are able to read, analyze, find trends, show. It is in these cases show delivery lukewarm. I had a flash this morning, a story of one of my professors from college. He talked to any imam about radical Islam and the Imam explained to him how the faith was structured, no longer have that doubt can find its place in the world. It is ideological apparatus, although it is designed as a religion, it lets you know where you are going, who you are, for oneself and others, even if otherwise it is an alienation. After must be careful. This complex interplay between identity, alienation and ideology is the heart of human relationships, it allows to establish codes, bonds, spaces of relationship ... We must accept and understand. In the state of intellectual vacuum in which we wander for some time, there must be limits, he must mark the field, understand what is happening, do not forget that we are acting as we act. It is in this sense that we must practice analysis combat, do not hesitate to be violent record, to take sides, to go against the warm room left to show excess.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Yorkshire Terrier Warmer
It was that one day my eyes décillent. I began to be very angry, but you get used to everything. Some companies are not more desirable than that, though we made it with time. A matter of habit. We find ourselves doing things of little interest and it is said that this is life too. After all, one does not choose his entire environment. Fortunately, there are particular moments. I often quote a scene from "120 Days of Sodom" by Pasolini, when one of the slave girls in an effort to absolute as if this was normal choking while trying to eat shit. This morning I just had this feeling. Every morning, I typed something that had hints. Sarkozy hints. Subscriber for almost four years at Liberation, when the newspaper was dying, I had a kind of civic engagement, for this newspaper and carries a strong voice left, I kept my sometimes against reason. For his first editorial, Joffrin announced what would be his duck, something a bit lame but resolutely committed left. Since the accession of the midget at the head of State, joffrinien wait and see, because his desire to keep me focused on the analytical system. Some editorials were going until we find the positive action of the little corporal. These days, I confess, I pétais a hose. But now they have gone too far. Joffrin is not himself "who went too far, but his newspaper. In an article to shit, some Roussel, apparently working in the service culture, so in the service most posh of the newspaper, defended the work of two investigative journalists who have laid the Real Duck. "
Chained Duck in the day, Michel Gaillard face Celtic in detail in this investigation to two. The reasoning was solid, well-crafted beer set. This is not the first time and an investigation was realigned. I still remember the article that was published shortly after the release of the book "The Case Yann Piat," which criticized the methods and findings of the two journalists whom was the duck at the time. Duck hangs when it assumes. When one of its journalists kidding, he assumes. There is certainly arrogance down there, but it seems to me mainly the result of a vision of journalism, check his sources, consolidate its analysis, presenting points of view while keeping an offbeat, a distance with what is at stake
Liberation takes itself seriously, the release has Truth, Liberation is a leftist newspaper, Liberation pisses me off. So I cancel my subscription. Now, what I'm going to read to wake me up?
It was that one day my eyes décillent. I began to be very angry, but you get used to everything. Some companies are not more desirable than that, though we made it with time. A matter of habit. We find ourselves doing things of little interest and it is said that this is life too. After all, one does not choose his entire environment. Fortunately, there are particular moments. I often quote a scene from "120 Days of Sodom" by Pasolini, when one of the slave girls in an effort to absolute as if this was normal choking while trying to eat shit. This morning I just had this feeling. Every morning, I typed something that had hints. Sarkozy hints. Subscriber for almost four years at Liberation, when the newspaper was dying, I had a kind of civic engagement, for this newspaper and carries a strong voice left, I kept my sometimes against reason. For his first editorial, Joffrin announced what would be his duck, something a bit lame but resolutely committed left. Since the accession of the midget at the head of State, joffrinien wait and see, because his desire to keep me focused on the analytical system. Some editorials were going until we find the positive action of the little corporal. These days, I confess, I pétais a hose. But now they have gone too far. Joffrin is not himself "who went too far, but his newspaper. In an article to shit, some Roussel, apparently working in the service culture, so in the service most posh of the newspaper, defended the work of two investigative journalists who have laid the Real Duck. "
Chained Duck in the day, Michel Gaillard face Celtic in detail in this investigation to two. The reasoning was solid, well-crafted beer set. This is not the first time and an investigation was realigned. I still remember the article that was published shortly after the release of the book "The Case Yann Piat," which criticized the methods and findings of the two journalists whom was the duck at the time. Duck hangs when it assumes. When one of its journalists kidding, he assumes. There is certainly arrogance down there, but it seems to me mainly the result of a vision of journalism, check his sources, consolidate its analysis, presenting points of view while keeping an offbeat, a distance with what is at stake
Liberation takes itself seriously, the release has Truth, Liberation is a leftist newspaper, Liberation pisses me off. So I cancel my subscription. Now, what I'm going to read to wake me up?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Anna Miyashita jav
The party (continued) The party
"The campaign is the period when you kill your enemies: the transition is when you stab your friends" The bottom line
James Carville (former advisor to Bill Clinton) of a cynicism consumed summarize very well the period begins. Yet, I fail to see the very diverse alliance around Aubry leave it as easily. The Marquis, who argued against the bid by Royal would be pleased. They wanted the victory, accepting defeat first, they exhibit their legitimate right and good, until in return for preferred seating. Knowing unavoidable, as some gentlemen or Collomb Guerini, emphatically will abandon their tickets early to support the former first lady of the party. E buon i soldi "replica of famous Godfather, will be the great inspirer of small maneuvers begin. The Friends of Fabius and Strauss-Khan will want to monopolize a maximum of positions to prepare nominations of their favorites (the blindness of the activists who support a candidate I was always scared), Delanoe has disappeared, a lot of posts are to be taken, and it is not impossible that new faces appear within the National Council.
much for men. The rest is more interesting.
For several years, declining public opinion. Declining sales of newspapers, the emergence of free publications that deliver basic information without analysis, lowering the general level of quality journalists, leveling information broadcast by television news, loss of confidence in what were the major mediators journalists, political analysts and other specialists in the world's states, in other words, treason (if it was possible to do worse) clerics of all kinds, have reduced the general consensus around issues and encouraged the emergence in the political world of messianic figures that it is easy to identify. A parallel process is underway. Increased patronage of local markets, constitutions of associations and networks of associations very dynamic, Research links the nearest multiplication of micropublications both in print and on the web, increasing importance of mutual structures (outside the banking sector, should not kidding), another short approach to the social ties that will promote the neighborhood to major general problems which hitherto passionate French society. The disappearance of the Communist Party in favor of communism and regionalization of municipal Socialist Party fall into this category. I think what we have experienced these days at the PS is the last fire in a way to approach the party and its balances. It is clear that hallucinated speech Ms Royal has a real echo among activists and members because it expresses a need to rebuild the solidarity that had been ignored by the project Mitterrand to seize power. Slow process that has little to do with party men. They will do everything to maintain their prerogatives, but the general trend of the party does not depend on them. We'll see.
"The campaign is the period when you kill your enemies: the transition is when you stab your friends" The bottom line
James Carville (former advisor to Bill Clinton) of a cynicism consumed summarize very well the period begins. Yet, I fail to see the very diverse alliance around Aubry leave it as easily. The Marquis, who argued against the bid by Royal would be pleased. They wanted the victory, accepting defeat first, they exhibit their legitimate right and good, until in return for preferred seating. Knowing unavoidable, as some gentlemen or Collomb Guerini, emphatically will abandon their tickets early to support the former first lady of the party. E buon i soldi "replica of famous Godfather, will be the great inspirer of small maneuvers begin. The Friends of Fabius and Strauss-Khan will want to monopolize a maximum of positions to prepare nominations of their favorites (the blindness of the activists who support a candidate I was always scared), Delanoe has disappeared, a lot of posts are to be taken, and it is not impossible that new faces appear within the National Council.
much for men. The rest is more interesting.
For several years, declining public opinion. Declining sales of newspapers, the emergence of free publications that deliver basic information without analysis, lowering the general level of quality journalists, leveling information broadcast by television news, loss of confidence in what were the major mediators journalists, political analysts and other specialists in the world's states, in other words, treason (if it was possible to do worse) clerics of all kinds, have reduced the general consensus around issues and encouraged the emergence in the political world of messianic figures that it is easy to identify. A parallel process is underway. Increased patronage of local markets, constitutions of associations and networks of associations very dynamic, Research links the nearest multiplication of micropublications both in print and on the web, increasing importance of mutual structures (outside the banking sector, should not kidding), another short approach to the social ties that will promote the neighborhood to major general problems which hitherto passionate French society. The disappearance of the Communist Party in favor of communism and regionalization of municipal Socialist Party fall into this category. I think what we have experienced these days at the PS is the last fire in a way to approach the party and its balances. It is clear that hallucinated speech Ms Royal has a real echo among activists and members because it expresses a need to rebuild the solidarity that had been ignored by the project Mitterrand to seize power. Slow process that has little to do with party men. They will do everything to maintain their prerogatives, but the general trend of the party does not depend on them. We'll see.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Livial And Hysterectomy
Over time I learned to moderate my analysis on the Socialist Party. I thought, honestly, after the jospinienne, the party would break out, and then with the Royal, a new generation emerged. I even believed that the NPA would push the party to reform itself. Well Makach! Each time, the status quo, then the compromise or flabby. The PS is determined not to change. That every time takes a big hit is the ideological construction of the party. To survive as its basic structure (instances and men) had to bury any possibility of building a corpus ideological program or any programmatic intent. So, basically, the Socialist Party was formed around theses, books, intellectual positions, each party member who wanted a little bit forward in instances of the party had to have down on paper his ideas. This tradition still exists, but far from the works of the "old days", new writings are vulgar self-hagiography, opportunities to exhibit her little asshole.
The recent failure of a man like Bertrand Delanoe leaves me a little hope, however. Like his predecessor as chief coward, he shamefully renounce socialism because modernitude and progressive. Liberalism to 30 cents it wanted to promote within the party itself, it has already done a lot of havoc, do not appear suitable for many members of which all want to know what they think but never listen. Well understood, never followed. The small group of barons, held by the balls and tubes, has succeeded in a party of activists, to form a party within the party, and obliged with his harem, and thinks this can happen to them. This is the issue of this circus between the two contenders, is it finally possible to ensure the party leadership against all democratic risk? Ms. Royal is a good role, but she shuddered at the thought that his place may depend on the small crowd. Again, it will end in compromise, sharing of tasks and people, with their associated perks. Since the PS is certain not to gain power before long hunters morocco have placed their hopes in him. Some, like John
Ass Mélanchon do so by pretending to leave, others playing the reformers, when else will dream ultimate savior. All this is very funny if it was just theater. Now the party is a component (willy nilly) of our democracy, the only hope of shit people in mouisse and the only one who can take power for themselves. The cancer he suffers no should not be his alone, he was made possible by its members and activists, but metastases from further away. Without too much wrong I can say I am also responsible for what happens, for what I gave. Prove me wrong, and do vote again.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Strip Club Waitresses Jobs
Two attempts
Magic Skin
Desktop oil in a skillet
Slice them and fry until lightly browned
In a boiling water Soak the
Peel them
After washing
Cut them into strips
fry with peppers
Add the rest
Reduce to almost nothing.
In a twisted grimace of a smile
raised in a reddening
At a glance Main
vanished like a tense
invites a caress a scratch
arm outstretched
Ready to Home
On appeal raised a threat
On one stretch dismembered.
Magic Skin
Desktop oil in a skillet
Slice them and fry until lightly browned
In a boiling water Soak the
Peel them
After washing
Cut them into strips
fry with peppers
Add the rest
Reduce to almost nothing.
In a twisted grimace of a smile
raised in a reddening
At a glance Main
vanished like a tense
invites a caress a scratch
arm outstretched
Ready to Home
On appeal raised a threat
On one stretch dismembered.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Gaz Mix Skidoo Tundra
I think it starts with something in his voice. A slight alteration from those that introduce a change of pace in a sentence, or the imminent arrival of a supplement. The moment becomes solemn. It is not yet, he prepares, the words were chosen because impossible to untangle in this big ball of vocabulary those who are most able to intelligently express what we mean. One begins to be said. You lose a little crazy. I have placed there an energy that destabilizes me and I rely on the law of gravitation and other forces that pushes or pulls to reach almost intact in the place where I can still see imbalances between beginner out the light that I wanted to reach for. In a trembling hand, the voice is derailed, and eyes Calmly insist that lay far to capture the movement of the angels. It is a second just exaggerating it enough to break and everything will say without any back, no, not that nothing, no, for it is no longer possible, no, no, no From the first pitch. The rest will be silence.
Something remains on the edge, empty and wrinkled. It went well something, its package is still there.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jcpenny Hair Coloring Prices
Telling silences shared
He had spent a wonderful evening with her. A chat and much more. They knew long ago. Not really all the 400 blows, but shared some special moments. The preciousness of these things is not measured by the yardstick of what we can tell, nothing unusual there, except that one may think the strength of a strengthened relationship with moments. Rather it was their relationship, an accumulation of moments taken from the daily lives. So when they found themselves, surreptitiously returned the waterwheel glasses bus, the cohort sacrificed minutes around a table, the theory of rustling and words exchanged. Neither one nor the other could not clearly express why such moments, even if one had any use in any field whatsoever. They found out they were good together and that was enough. Until this evening. In summary, it was similar to others. Nothing new in that routine. As a habit. It came back, that's all. Again. Yet when he left home, he sensed that some of the moments that skated their common chord was not usual consistency. Thus he spoke in petto this unsettling feeling. Looking more willing these things, he noticed the strangeness of certain gestures, certain phrases, on the cruelty of some silence, then a few, very rare indeed, lasted longer than usual. It is especially these silences, this lack of words at such moments as he applied himself. He saw at least three. Maybe before they were already lurking between two sentences, this time when they appeared with a rawness that surprised. What, then, were these silences? Not that he looked for the slightest use to things experienced, but still, there had to be a reason for qu'arrivent things. Reason enough? Perhaps for reasons. And defining the term strange he realized what he had in mind. Two reasons. What binds. Intimate knowledge of each other. His tastes, his desires, his smell, his way of taking a drink and bring it to itself, two bodies who exult in a large bath of words. This eroticism had appeared long before this evening, but he never acquired the dough, this reality. The coiled rope, is shortened too much twist, coiled around itself, clung to every moment, for these crumbs in square brackets and bumps, holes and bumps, a landscape that itself was born in great vacuum of between-them-two. The existing space before them and asked only to fill them. And he expressed this strange idea after all love is perhaps a peculiarity of the space that ... So that was it. Everything was empty of love. And he dared not think. Saying he was never good to say love between two hemispheres. That it was between four eyes. Tomorrow. He would see tomorrow. To be sure.
He had spent a wonderful evening with her. A chat and much more. They knew long ago. Not really all the 400 blows, but shared some special moments. The preciousness of these things is not measured by the yardstick of what we can tell, nothing unusual there, except that one may think the strength of a strengthened relationship with moments. Rather it was their relationship, an accumulation of moments taken from the daily lives. So when they found themselves, surreptitiously returned the waterwheel glasses bus, the cohort sacrificed minutes around a table, the theory of rustling and words exchanged. Neither one nor the other could not clearly express why such moments, even if one had any use in any field whatsoever. They found out they were good together and that was enough. Until this evening. In summary, it was similar to others. Nothing new in that routine. As a habit. It came back, that's all. Again. Yet when he left home, he sensed that some of the moments that skated their common chord was not usual consistency. Thus he spoke in petto this unsettling feeling. Looking more willing these things, he noticed the strangeness of certain gestures, certain phrases, on the cruelty of some silence, then a few, very rare indeed, lasted longer than usual. It is especially these silences, this lack of words at such moments as he applied himself. He saw at least three. Maybe before they were already lurking between two sentences, this time when they appeared with a rawness that surprised. What, then, were these silences? Not that he looked for the slightest use to things experienced, but still, there had to be a reason for qu'arrivent things. Reason enough? Perhaps for reasons. And defining the term strange he realized what he had in mind. Two reasons. What binds. Intimate knowledge of each other. His tastes, his desires, his smell, his way of taking a drink and bring it to itself, two bodies who exult in a large bath of words. This eroticism had appeared long before this evening, but he never acquired the dough, this reality. The coiled rope, is shortened too much twist, coiled around itself, clung to every moment, for these crumbs in square brackets and bumps, holes and bumps, a landscape that itself was born in great vacuum of between-them-two. The existing space before them and asked only to fill them. And he expressed this strange idea after all love is perhaps a peculiarity of the space that ... So that was it. Everything was empty of love. And he dared not think. Saying he was never good to say love between two hemispheres. That it was between four eyes. Tomorrow. He would see tomorrow. To be sure.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Can Anyone Buy Cal Gel.
This morning, I did not find lib in my mailbox. Not that I gave up my subscription, but more simply, and as I suspected at the mere sight of this absence, the trustee of the book was strike. Widely criticized, that trustee is not doing less important work in the newspaper world. It is a landmark, a terminal, which allows you to see where is the press and, more generally, the publishing world. But I did not talk about him. I discovered my liberal daily in a pdf format of a good quality of genuine, and through my connection Numéricable I spent over a quarter of an hour dreaming before the cover page of the site. I do evoke a so-said-in-passing in a way. That's what I read in liberal who pushed me in spite me to run my word processor. Something happened in the fifth arrondissement of Paris and is happening all over France. Because it seems to me that we touch the heart of politics. And for once M'sieur Joffrin has evoked.
an old problem. An enigma, something not really solved. The difference between what is legal and what is legitimate. When we define the two terms, we see immediately that this is not the same thing. Do as Ponge and open our Littre: Legal, Latin Legal, which is prescribed by law; Self, Latin legitimus, which has a character legislation. One is written, the other not. One defines the power, the other Authority. The first is bounded, the second is induced. On the one hand we are in the world of recording, in the second in the world of relationship. And this is the second world politics. The policy is not law, is the world of the relationship that this legislation allows. What is first thing in politics is what reads, not what governs. The world of law is a frozen world (to please the lawyers say I set), a world of the Letter. And what is the letter of the law, what is legitimate. The letter from the Letter is the difference between law enforcement and zeal in its enforcement. Fundamentalism, bureaucracy, or their extreme forms such as Soviet communism or Nazism, destroy the letter of the Letter, fetishizing law. The son of a bitch who diligently apply Regulation X or Y, or sticks to the law as written, feels legitimate in its action in some cases, such as law or has no letter . The current legislative mismanagement has destroyed as a result of the letter for letter and replace what is political by the administration. In my rereading I see that I'm about to fall into a trap. This is not a dyadic relationship (vi, I said) but on three. All this is enabled by social relations. It is through this that we are at a moment in the history of our society that this little fascist peak is reached. I say little because it is only the beginning.
And I tell myself that there was something wrong for not knowing where we stand. In the triad you where you would put the three Zouaves? Personally I see a Society / Law / Policy, but it is only my ☺
This morning, I did not find lib in my mailbox. Not that I gave up my subscription, but more simply, and as I suspected at the mere sight of this absence, the trustee of the book was strike. Widely criticized, that trustee is not doing less important work in the newspaper world. It is a landmark, a terminal, which allows you to see where is the press and, more generally, the publishing world. But I did not talk about him. I discovered my liberal daily in a pdf format of a good quality of genuine, and through my connection Numéricable I spent over a quarter of an hour dreaming before the cover page of the site. I do evoke a so-said-in-passing in a way. That's what I read in liberal who pushed me in spite me to run my word processor. Something happened in the fifth arrondissement of Paris and is happening all over France. Because it seems to me that we touch the heart of politics. And for once M'sieur Joffrin has evoked.
an old problem. An enigma, something not really solved. The difference between what is legal and what is legitimate. When we define the two terms, we see immediately that this is not the same thing. Do as Ponge and open our Littre: Legal, Latin Legal, which is prescribed by law; Self, Latin legitimus, which has a character legislation. One is written, the other not. One defines the power, the other Authority. The first is bounded, the second is induced. On the one hand we are in the world of recording, in the second in the world of relationship. And this is the second world politics. The policy is not law, is the world of the relationship that this legislation allows. What is first thing in politics is what reads, not what governs. The world of law is a frozen world (to please the lawyers say I set), a world of the Letter. And what is the letter of the law, what is legitimate. The letter from the Letter is the difference between law enforcement and zeal in its enforcement. Fundamentalism, bureaucracy, or their extreme forms such as Soviet communism or Nazism, destroy the letter of the Letter, fetishizing law. The son of a bitch who diligently apply Regulation X or Y, or sticks to the law as written, feels legitimate in its action in some cases, such as law or has no letter . The current legislative mismanagement has destroyed as a result of the letter for letter and replace what is political by the administration. In my rereading I see that I'm about to fall into a trap. This is not a dyadic relationship (vi, I said) but on three. All this is enabled by social relations. It is through this that we are at a moment in the history of our society that this little fascist peak is reached. I say little because it is only the beginning.
And I tell myself that there was something wrong for not knowing where we stand. In the triad you where you would put the three Zouaves? Personally I see a Society / Law / Policy, but it is only my ☺
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lean Mirror Wall Prevent Slipping
"Night Flight Parisian
var _gaq _gaq = (Function () {var ga = document.createElement ('script'); ga.type = 'text / javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol? 'https: / / ssl': 'http://') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js' var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (ga, s); })(); NIGHT FLIGHT PARIS
Time is conformism "people who get up early" according to Sarkozy.

It asserts right to cocooning, the ostrich syndrome is rife in the name of the desire of social peace. We want to know about getting indifferent to everything.
The only thing we ask is to have: time, money, competence to close it. We are in the era of "self-promo, everyone defends his lousy steak, and the media are the first to maintain consistency in this world of trouble. It should to smoke, you should drink more, take the exit between the terminals defined by the law of the strongest. We must live in a French reality that more and more Americanized, and nobody takes offense. The authorities are by method and determination to deal smoothly in each area of freedom. The night can be considered as what is most intimate in the lives of citizens who are no longer at certain times. The scapegoat bigwigs of the state was long the electronic culture, the principle of "chug" is obtained by a rally that lasts all night and until noon especially At least sunrise up for a Ravers "the ultimate party." The authorities say they are "wanting to end the afters." According to the police headquarters this evening prolong the party until dawn and promote the consumption of alcohol and drugs. They have already condemned this movement but still, it seems, a few pockets of resistance. Spawning a new prefectural should solve the problem without too many problems ... The bell rang for night owls of all kinds All alternative crops are in danger, a whole universe of music "underground" is threatened the name of so-called "Fight against alcoholism among young people," the spearhead of the Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot.
Prefecture Police target today night bars in Paris are threatened by an order dated June 17. The new regulations concerning the closing hours of these establishments before 2 am instead of 6am.
These bars do not meet the safety standards established by Order (fire, noise, emergency exits) and would pose a problem of noise pollution. Only nightclubs and large concert halls can meet these criteria are too strict and restrictive for small bars night holding occasional parties. Now these places are mostly night shelter for Djs and unknown artists who can for a concert or a live set to be paid by this "economy of the night." The bosses are not willing to invest so much money to save their bar standards pressurized prefectural these measures. Some even had to lay off staff because of an early closure to 2am.
We realize that 80% of these night clubs concerned are in fact institutions gays Marais. This area has always been a good barometer of the Parisian atmosphere. Since this
arrested several institutions are in particularly difficult circumstances. At the "Square", rue du Temple, enrollment increased from 23 to 7 employees and losses in terms of sales amount to around 40,000 euros per month. "The Eagle", rue des Lombards, lost 60% of daily turnover and must be separated by 4 employees. 
Prefecture Police target today night bars in Paris are threatened by an order dated June 17. The new regulations concerning the closing hours of these establishments before 2 am instead of 6am.
These bars do not meet the safety standards established by Order (fire, noise, emergency exits) and would pose a problem of noise pollution. Only nightclubs and large concert halls can meet these criteria are too strict and restrictive for small bars night holding occasional parties. Now these places are mostly night shelter for Djs and unknown artists who can for a concert or a live set to be paid by this "economy of the night." The bosses are not willing to invest so much money to save their bar standards pressurized prefectural these measures. Some even had to lay off staff because of an early closure to 2am.
We realize that 80% of these night clubs concerned are in fact institutions gays Marais. This area has always been a good barometer of the Parisian atmosphere. Since this
Communitarianism only social reality The communalism have become so impervious to each other that it becomes impossible to penetrate without infiltrate. It is not easy to investigate in the Marais not part of "the community". In "mixer bar" Street Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie, like the legendary "Cox" in the Rue des Archives journalist who does not work for "Stubborn" is taken quite a rake.
Former Mecca "trendiness gay and attitude free night, without limitation, the neighborhood is quiet gradually in a widespread attitude bobo where everyone is bored, looking old in the distorted mirror of the Consumer culture transformed frenetic sound. Suspicion has replaced the subversion of genres. It seems that in recent years attitudes have changed unilaterally to a deletion of positions, gays are no longer seeking recognition, visiblilité. They just want access to "standard" the standard that makes invisible the particularities of each.
All centrally in a similarity of thought and boring framed
The great "Paris by Night" has been sacrificed in the name of God TV, the only vector of uniformity institutionalized mediocrity trap that has the talent of contemporary transform the shadow to light. People do not want to think, they just want to be entertained and sold for what they are not.
Paris can not now be compared to Barcelona or Berlin. Who would
Paris have thought that one day would become a cheesy town that would be compared to Bordeaux and Montpellier Compiegne? Stripped of his soul libertarian dominant model of any false bourgeois uniform, marginality is more, this leaves only the excluded.
Shiva Shakti Shanti
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
How Many Calories In Small Shrimp
Peace March for the closing of the Olympic Games in Kathmandu -" Save Tibet "
Called "the monkey temple"
23 AOUT 2008 - Peace March for the closing of the Olympic Games in Kathmandu - "Save Tibet"
To mark the closing of the Olympics' Nepal Tibetan Solidarity Committee has organized a march in Kathmandu for peace to draw attention to the plight of Tibetans. Their exile has lasted 50 years now. Objectively what conclusions can we ask today on the choice of peaceful non-violent these people? What won the Tibetans?
A coast unwavering sympathy! ! ! For what results in practice?
dramas continue to be perpetrated in Tibet killings, disappearances, torture, rape ... More refugees arrive every year via Nepal to Dharamsala. In practice nobody cares. Finally, only India and Nepal have actually helped the Tibetan people to survive in exile.
"This is a selfish world my friend, no one cares for anyone. Praying for all sentient Beings IS outdated, nirvana is for self only ..."
(extract from The Tibetan movie "We're No Monks" by Pema Dhondup )
Sypnosis and Analysis "From wandering and violence" by Tsering Topden
Hope has left the eyes, there remains a large void.
I do not think the Chinese are very strong in Anglo-Saxon language. But when activists seek to free Tibet, their slogans are written in English, to whom are they for? Who will free Tibet? Instead of always looking outside one does not seek to solve problems from within.
to kowtow to the West seems to be dollarized no fruit, and we recognize the tree by its fruit, is not it. The Tibet liberate himself when he is strong chains will break themselves on top of the world imperishable. The regular appearance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to George W. Bush does not seem very appropriate. Sully its image to get thousands of visas is it reasonable?
There is always a strong East-West antagonism of the Tibetan population and it is likely to increase even with the reopening of the highway connecting India through Sikkim to Lhasa and Shigatzé. Logically, the Karmapa in Sikkim would increase its power, although the Gelugpa hold their own Karmapa in Dharamsala.
The stupa Bodhanath east of Kathmandu is the most sacred Buddhist monuments in Nepal, while Swayambonath west would be the oldest.
Unable to get inside a stupa, turn around in the direction of clockwise as Buddhists, in the opposite direction as the old Bön tradition.
A bone of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and other sacred relics are contained in the heart of the stupa.
On my first trip to Nepal in November 2005 had haunted this place to detect different vibration contradictory. Observing-participant had better perceived nuances between the different families of Tibetan Buddhism, especially me with the compassion into action locally.
In each sleeps a Tibetan shaman, constitutive secret at the heart of Buddhist practice. Me proposing to lower job-karma I had the opportunity to paint the frames surrounding the prayer wheels of the stupa for 2 days by reciting the mantra "Om Mani Padme Om." This short work would have karmic consequences are not insignificant, and I never got private.
Unfortunately it is clear that this year the dome of the stupa, called "Khumb" and usually covered with lime, has deteriorated and remains closed to the public. How frustrating not to turn in circles as the lower floors.
Is it due to pollution in Kathmandu or recrudescent few resources allocated by the state to restore the sacred stupa ready for the start of the tourist season?
Hopefully places of worship will be protected by this new fledgling democracy in Nepal.
Cult-Culture-Maoism will they mix?
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti
This march for peace seems incomplete, Indeed all the rebels had been possible previously taken out of harm's way by the Nepalese police.
, the Maoist prime minister, went to Beijing Benjing assuring his majesty that no overflow would occur in Kathmandu during the closure of these games.
Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda"
- Nepal's Prime Minister (Maoist)
Called "the monkey temple"
23 AOUT 2008 - Peace March for the closing of the Olympic Games in Kathmandu - "Save Tibet"
To mark the closing of the Olympics' Nepal Tibetan Solidarity Committee has organized a march in Kathmandu for peace to draw attention to the plight of Tibetans. Their exile has lasted 50 years now. Objectively what conclusions can we ask today on the choice of peaceful non-violent these people? What won the Tibetans?
A coast unwavering sympathy! ! ! For what results in practice?
"This is a selfish world my friend, no one cares for anyone. Praying for all sentient Beings IS outdated, nirvana is for self only ..."
(extract from The Tibetan movie "We're No Monks" by Pema Dhondup )

Hope has left the eyes, there remains a large void.
I do not think the Chinese are very strong in Anglo-Saxon language. But when activists seek to free Tibet, their slogans are written in English, to whom are they for? Who will free Tibet? Instead of always looking outside one does not seek to solve problems from within.
to kowtow to the West seems to be dollarized no fruit, and we recognize the tree by its fruit, is not it. The Tibet liberate himself when he is strong chains will break themselves on top of the world imperishable. The regular appearance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to George W. Bush does not seem very appropriate. Sully its image to get thousands of visas is it reasonable?
The stupa Bodhanath east of Kathmandu is the most sacred Buddhist monuments in Nepal, while Swayambonath west would be the oldest.
Unable to get inside a stupa, turn around in the direction of clockwise as Buddhists, in the opposite direction as the old Bön tradition.
A bone of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and other sacred relics are contained in the heart of the stupa.
On my first trip to Nepal in November 2005 had haunted this place to detect different vibration contradictory. Observing-participant had better perceived nuances between the different families of Tibetan Buddhism, especially me with the compassion into action locally.
Unfortunately it is clear that this year the dome of the stupa, called "Khumb" and usually covered with lime, has deteriorated and remains closed to the public. How frustrating not to turn in circles as the lower floors.
Cult-Culture-Maoism will they mix?
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti
This march for peace seems incomplete, Indeed all the rebels had been possible previously taken out of harm's way by the Nepalese police.
, the Maoist prime minister, went to Beijing Benjing assuring his majesty that no overflow would occur in Kathmandu during the closure of these games.
Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda"
Sunday, August 31, 2008
External Hard Drive Model Hd338
KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3
Frankly we talked about everything except what we usually do in life. What is relaxing to not have any time to justify himself.
can not remake the world, as we discuss, dissect the deep questions of our mind. And we share with other researchers so advances our inspirations. Otherwise similar and are reconciled for a moment about a chai and a few tired.
Of course the tourist district of freak-street and Kumari's still in Nepali style compared to Thamel. Formed a nice little family of heterogeneous and impermanent and native Nepalese tourists. Remaining some time to Freak Street you will soon feel a bit at home is why it is difficult to leave. It is in the rhythm of Nepal, it takes her little couch-potato habits and routine soon made it squarely within the landscape of the neighborhood. Here everyone you said hello, whatever the time when you wake up. Finally nobody judges you, the Nepalese are naturally very tolerant. Qualities Heart often take precedence over dogma.
season crop of ganja and especially Sharra will soon begin on the Himalayan slopes hard.
sharra Smoking is not really legal, it's just taboo. We all smoked, but it should not be.
Everything can be sometimes very contradictory because a cop is Nepali smoking cone gets torn quarter of an hour, it is clear. Like a common point between this nascent democracy and our old Marianne breath.
The police need a special exemption to control a tourist, it itches them stick to align ourselves but they need a package of suspicion to search a Western single smoker Bedo c ' is out of context. During the tourist royalty-king should never be particularly bothered by political or social problems of the country, the slogan was "let them eat" with impunity. This may change with the new provision of the state of Nepal Maoist ... Since the new democratically elected government is in place Prashanda with its head everything is increasingly fliquer. Now traders are forced to close shop in 22h. Especially in Thamel is not clear why the very beginning of tourist season the police arrived an hour early, and closing the night in his frustration of not enough. Alcoholism is highly developed in Nepal and the new interior minister says it wants to curb the phenomenon by these fascist measures. Night life is limited to a few places in Kathmandu, mostly around the pole Thamel, a few concerts at the "Reggae Bar", some teufettes trance-organized by the Russian "Tongues and fairies" atmosphere teenage R & B "Funky Buddha", not short enough to beat a duck for a westen used with varying degrees of debauchery much nuisance. The overall selection is underway, a cul dappled with thinning hair henna begs me to come into his shop to buy trinkets unbeatable price, double the price, very good price my friend. Suddenly refocus on the real and famine: the hearts are hungry, there is nothing left.
Inflation is rampant, such as insecurity.
Rhododendrons in bloom, hair in the wind from the south, inadequacy of the bulb glow of a loving gaze after the distribution of a donut exchanged.
then I begin a period of material generosity that I do not relate to compassion into action that is totally selfless. For over a week I spend my day to distribute alms to the people my brothers and sisters. It's party the day of bleeding, I get up, barely breathed me an old scrap its tax already bakchish I have not even entitled to a Namaste!
This week I was exhausted, I'm like a sponge dried in a bad mood I have bad Mine, I can not take a step in Kathmandu without being taxed. Indeed, many beneficiaries selected by affinity I spread the word and soon the French bizarre black bindi is overwhelmed by the endless complaints of each other. I spend my time to deliver meals, sub, cookies and milk, pay winery in number, and at the end of the day I was still tax. is terrible but we understand that attending the use humanely is mostly feel good, be comfortable with his staff will, therefore aim at the base was far from disinterested.
In Kathmandu and elsewhere the duration of my stay often depends on the presence of a dog "shiva-dog" is not really a dog and I have to educate and love for a moment, a week, a month or a few minutes, I learn to love them without attachment and completely selfless, a perfection in the eyes and clear vision of auras without trial.
Here I am part of a pack of Freak Street, as Gokarna virtually all dogs are Shiva-Dogs, that is, human souls incarnated in decline for a short and difficult penance life of a dog, taking care of them with love we remind Hindus that the dog is an animal sacred to the same extent as the sacred cow Gaumata, our mother. Dog the sacred vehicle of Bhairav and his Shakti Kali ultimate gods, "supervise" of Shiva.
Drop by drop fills the gauge of selfless good while human beings criticize the lack of attention their remaining, sorry, too disappointing these people no mirror never showed .
life follows its course to the Green Lodge and time flies when you feel almost at home itself. The young Dinesh me up my cellar and I am leading a good pourbiche, not little cute I can not give you my I-pod. We must also learn not to show too much.
Everyday Raj Kumar, 13 years collects plastic bottles littering the winding streets of Kathmandu and majestic, I often provides the winery or a meal of dhal-bhat (rice-lentil soup and vegetables, favorite food of Nepal) and we talk, he speaks English well enough and has an arrogance that makes him a true "king" of the street.
I'd like to dream that one day this child so his condition but the reality requires more realism, its eye warrior will not suffice in this reality of caste.
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Depletion of loneliness surrounds interposed by the notion of privacy is fishy here, it's odd that someone wants to be alone, suspicious, multiple doors that lead to swing others are simply ' itself be cause for sympathy and affection. |
For a regular in India, Hinduism in Nepal may seem a little folk, yet softer and less accessible. Very few Hindus and Buddhists are vegetarians in Nepal. Hindu dietary restrictions are very few observed in this region where the practical conditions have taken over the restrictive side of religion. Say that the departures from the rule are frequent, and no taboos! Nepal was himself very imperfect, he is careful not to judge you. The winds of freedom blowing in their minds inspired by tolerance. You can surprise young couples flirting in cafes in the city the attitude of young leaves no doubt about their preference for modernity and the "western way of life style."
season crop of ganja and especially Sharra will soon begin on the Himalayan slopes hard.
In a few days at best hashish is available on newsstands, the lowest price. Prepare the leaves to dry run it will chat about a Chi, it is still much better au naturel! Here too we can not smoke in a place apart shilom closed. Know the few places where you can smoke joints without risking anything. Yet you can see the old hill with bundles of ganja on his back across town safely from even before the army and police.
Everything can be sometimes very contradictory because a cop is Nepali smoking cone gets torn quarter of an hour, it is clear. Like a common point between this nascent democracy and our old Marianne breath.
Yet if you know the correct price of things we will grant without too much difficulty, he must know how to get ahead, by kindness, there will always be an honest trader with whom parley.
Communism is "working, shut up and sleep," they do not provide a lot of entertainment for Sensible people toil for them ...
Perhaps it is an international movement of pampering, we prefer our leaders to Home nose glued to the TV, if possible before these screens contaminated by the unreal-gogo poufs in tight panties bottomless. Ass perched high takes the place of honor, but does not look, it's only for the rich, to showcase the hoax is still contagious. Rhododendrons in bloom, hair in the wind from the south, inadequacy of the bulb glow of a loving gaze after the distribution of a donut exchanged.
"Do not Get Attached to detachment," dude. Some days you get up there and prances like a butterfly from the sun. Is relativized all around and like a fish would have adapted in its jar, bubble.
My mission "Dogs" takes place according to some inconsiderate, the truth is that when you give love a dog there are 100% chance that he loves you in return.
then I begin a period of material generosity that I do not relate to compassion into action that is totally selfless. For over a week I spend my day to distribute alms to the people my brothers and sisters. It's party the day of bleeding, I get up, barely breathed me an old scrap its tax already bakchish I have not even entitled to a Namaste!
Generosity exasperated, you strive to do your best but there is never enough.
is next to the moldy old lady actress Commedia del Arte, you can not resist it too is excellent delivery. The fake babas dressed in orange robes of royal succession in the table of Kumari's, they pick up their 5 rupees each in turn. Rags on green t-shirt gutted eyes filled with black Kajal, you can not avoid their piercing eyes that beg you to give them an ice cream, cookies, in a little superfluous in this real world. An old grandpa bent with the burdens of life just to try his luck. His only hope is to try to scrounge a few rupees to foreign visitors to pay for his medical treatment. There is no social system in Nepal to help the poor, nothing can get by on their shit not enviable.
is next to the moldy old lady actress Commedia del Arte, you can not resist it too is excellent delivery. The fake babas dressed in orange robes of royal succession in the table of Kumari's, they pick up their 5 rupees each in turn. Rags on green t-shirt gutted eyes filled with black Kajal, you can not avoid their piercing eyes that beg you to give them an ice cream, cookies, in a little superfluous in this real world. An old grandpa bent with the burdens of life just to try his luck. His only hope is to try to scrounge a few rupees to foreign visitors to pay for his medical treatment. There is no social system in Nepal to help the poor, nothing can get by on their shit not enviable.
There has never enough with humans.
Consider that could affect their present condition seems to be Ego. Ultimately we must not play God. That's a key that leads to paradise on Earth.
Consider that could affect their present condition seems to be Ego. Ultimately we must not play God. That's a key that leads to paradise on Earth.
A little love and nursing distilled to a few children left too early in life get me real earned respectability in the neighborhood.
When one does what we can with what little we have, collusion with other people is total and contaminating.
At one point I broke down and curled myself up like an oyster in my den when I focus on my puppy-dogs. I am reconciled to life through these scattered pearls canines like the plague. Distribution Biskits, forgotten leftovers in restaurants and especially unconditional love "us." Mothering well produced and donated personal care in emergency clean absolutely unselfish goal. Dogs recognize me, I'm probably one of them.
At one point I broke down and curled myself up like an oyster in my den when I focus on my puppy-dogs. I am reconciled to life through these scattered pearls canines like the plague. Distribution Biskits, forgotten leftovers in restaurants and especially unconditional love "us." Mothering well produced and donated personal care in emergency clean absolutely unselfish goal. Dogs recognize me, I'm probably one of them.
Here I am part of a pack of Freak Street, as Gokarna virtually all dogs are Shiva-Dogs, that is, human souls incarnated in decline for a short and difficult penance life of a dog, taking care of them with love we remind Hindus that the dog is an animal sacred to the same extent as the sacred cow Gaumata, our mother. Dog the sacred vehicle of Bhairav and his Shakti Kali ultimate gods, "supervise" of Shiva.
Drop by drop fills the gauge of selfless good while human beings criticize the lack of attention their remaining, sorry, too disappointing these people no mirror never showed .
life follows its course to the Green Lodge and time flies when you feel almost at home itself. The young Dinesh me up my cellar and I am leading a good pourbiche, not little cute I can not give you my I-pod. We must also learn not to show too much.
Everyday Raj Kumar, 13 years collects plastic bottles littering the winding streets of Kathmandu and majestic, I often provides the winery or a meal of dhal-bhat (rice-lentil soup and vegetables, favorite food of Nepal) and we talk, he speaks English well enough and has an arrogance that makes him a true "king" of the street.
I'd like to dream that one day this child so his condition but the reality requires more realism, its eye warrior will not suffice in this reality of caste.
I think a little Kunkyen is between the D. Day 17 and Sept. 21, he does not care as his first lie. His soul continues to reach me by shock waves and intermittent mysterious telepathic interconnections can not be more real sensations.
Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti
http://shivashaktishanti.blogspot.com/2008/08/kathmandu-freak-street-part-1.html * KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3
"The time process can't bring the new, Time Is Not a Way of Creation.
In the process of time there is no transformation there is only a continuity and no ending.
In the process of time there is nothing but Recognition. It is only when you have complete cessation of the time process, of the activity of the self, is there the New, is there Revolution, is there Transformation.
So Love is not of Time you can't come upon it through any conscious effort, through any discipline, through identification, which are all a process of Time.
The Mind, knowing only the process of Time, cannot recognize Love.
Love is the only thing that is new, eternally new. Since most of us have cultivated the Mind, which is a process of Time, which is the result of Time, We Do Not Know What Love Is. "
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti
Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2 |
"The time process can't bring the new, Time Is Not a Way of Creation.
In the process of time there is no transformation there is only a continuity and no ending.
In the process of time there is nothing but Recognition. It is only when you have complete cessation of the time process, of the activity of the self, is there the New, is there Revolution, is there Transformation.
So Love is not of Time you can't come upon it through any conscious effort, through any discipline, through identification, which are all a process of Time.
The Mind, knowing only the process of Time, cannot recognize Love.
Love is the only thing that is new, eternally new. Since most of us have cultivated the Mind, which is a process of Time, which is the result of Time, We Do Not Know What Love Is. "
KRISHNAMURTI "Reflections on the self"
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti
Saturday, August 23, 2008
2005 Toyota Sequoiablueprints
KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2
Tribute to King Birendra
Tribute to King Birendra
Friday, August 8, 2008: 08.08.2008 at 08.08 PM *
No way to find a TV to watch the broadcast of the opening games in Beijing, everyone would pack the balls to Kathmandu.
Tibetans, shrinking, no liberation is the advertising program. The new code secret magic would be "Save Tibet" instead of "free Tibet". Dream is over we must not delude ourselves. Thousands of Tibetans arrested outside the Chinese consulate in Kathmandu, every day since the early games, they would all be released the same evening. All these movements protesters were quickly calmed. The Nepalese authorities have promised the Chinese to police strictly. The arrests multiply for mass registration and taking pictures of pro-Tibet demonstrators.
Freak Street Kathmandu (its Nepali name "Jocchen)
is the kind of place where you will stagnate. In an ambient wind j'men care less, you squat on the terrace restaurants and guesthouses. You spend your day talking with major presence in Nepal and westeners. You stroll through the many streets on the lookout for the schedule change. A good atmosphere baba-cool travelers throughout the course continues. We're missing some musicians, where are the brothers?
Jungle Freak-Streetienne offers travelers a range of well-browned.
French side we used all the sauces.
There is the teacher of French high school philosophy that believes Marrakesh live in a world where everyone has perfect bisounours his chance thanks to "secularism". The Algerian sister proselytes converted to Catholicism in Calcutta, who instead sees evil everywhere Wave of anguish permanent care. The son of Argentine intellectual diplomat who teaches at CIA and other scholarly readings, you can not put one, the guy he'll teach you to think. The showman of the Sarthe who lives on his sleeve for a few months after a journey in China. The lover of tai chi that has taken the same English accent in French. The little couple clean on his party in mop unlikely road masochist in Bihar. The slip-dirty hair who thinks he is the king of the village and of course my neighbor hémérite blogger who has definitely left France to establish his base in India to Varkala in the sublime state of Kerala.
----> Franck's Blog:
Eagles at bay strut of boredom, and dogs in the street demanding their "Biskit".
The economy of the vacuum is the anatomy of reality, a failure disguised as an insider is better outcast.
abortive attempt sexual cute Kunkyen age. He had the same ears. A bitter taste of dirt exchanged a look with envy - rotten meat - after three seconds of contention was the machine jammed packed with all his substance sufficient to disgraced myself a No. The game is sad pathetic heterosexual. Of love can only survive under the shade of a sun exhausted by its radius of sufficiency. A bitch that do can get caught, that the poor guy has a picture of a girl "Free".
RELOUT a priori of the mediocrity of the current sounds into a symphony of lies acceptable. Achievement on the monstrous nature of the relationship "normal" in our region Babylonian mass of ignoramuses in perpetual masturbation. Bagatelle
zero risk. Unnecessary risk-taking saw the
A good traveler plan in Kathmandu: the friday night Casino.
To receive this good plan just landed on Friday evening at the casino: Free admission, Buffet royal control, cigarettes and soft drinks available. All in a cabaret environment, Nepali-cancan on stage marshmallow and chocolate sandwich. Dynamics of hot dancers ass, I did not ask if they are extras in the late evening but it would not surprise me. The dancers throw me interested eyes, I wonder if I have not taken a recruiter for Bollywood!
But as we got mowed to seven-Freak Streetiens all in the same taxi. The boss was a bit of cum, for some of the key. It is clear that looks to keyers first one will not bet much on the gaming tables, but fill the stomachs of large plates of various dishes and varied.
to drink alcohol at will, it's easy, get on a gaming table, and play at least 1,000 Nepalese rupees, or 10 € to change in casino chips. The champagne arrives galore, there is more than just ask the many staff in place.
Meanwhile, women can be put nail polish, or consult an astrologer, at the expense of the princess, all of which is to invite more people to stay and gamble. See Japanese get drunk it was something sad, we say: where are the samurai? Despite their ultra-sophisticated eye they looked like bells.
I do not listen to the thoughts of others, or I shall go mad.
Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti ©
http://shivashaktishanti.blogspot.com/2008/08/aout-2008-arrivee- kathmandu-city.html
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2
Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3
http://shivashaktishanti . blogspot.com /
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