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KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2
Tribute to King Birendra
Friday, August 8, 2008: 08.08.2008 at 08.08 PM *
Olympic Games last 15 days, top clock, 8 digit Saturn symbol of karma and infinite perpetually.
No way to find a TV to watch the broadcast of the opening games in Beijing, everyone would pack the balls to Kathmandu.
Tibetans, shrinking, no liberation is the advertising program. The new code secret magic would be "Save Tibet" instead of "free Tibet". Dream is over we must not delude ourselves. Thousands of Tibetans arrested outside the Chinese consulate in Kathmandu, every day since the early games, they would all be released the same evening. All these movements protesters were quickly calmed. The Nepalese authorities have promised the Chinese to police strictly. The arrests multiply for mass registration and taking pictures of pro-Tibet demonstrators.
I have not written a line from my room to change the "Green Lodge", yet everything is better with a proper bathroom in the room for 250 Nepali rupees per night ( or € 2.50). The door closes properly double-locked, there is even a safety-drawer in the cabinet. All held by a worthy father and son who take turns to stand guard, you feel better right away in the good vibration.
The icing on the cake is that there is occasionally a wifi connection unsecure! So there is that long term tenants ...
French side we used all the sauces.
There is the teacher of French high school philosophy that believes Marrakesh live in a world where everyone has perfect bisounours his chance thanks to "secularism". The Algerian sister proselytes converted to Catholicism in Calcutta, who instead sees evil everywhere Wave of anguish permanent care. The son of Argentine intellectual diplomat who teaches at CIA and other scholarly readings, you can not put one, the guy he'll teach you to think. The showman of the Sarthe who lives on his sleeve for a few months after a journey in China. The lover of tai chi that has taken the same English accent in French. The little couple clean on his party in mop unlikely road masochist in Bihar. The slip-dirty hair who thinks he is the king of the village and of course my neighbor hémérite blogger who has definitely left France to establish his base in India to Varkala in the sublime state of Kerala.
----> Franck's Blog:
http://3moiseninde.over-blog.com/ Eagles at bay strut of boredom, and dogs in the street demanding their "Biskit".
Recreation habit, high altitude pilgrimage, veneration of the easement with the key to identifying self-centered. We are the kings of the world as we have of the rupee in his pocket, and you have to distribute to deserve respect. We are guests and we must remember that before 1950 there was no tourist visa to Nepal, he had to show a velvet paw. I think that even today we must be careful because I noticed that mustard goes very quickly in the face of Nepal when something goes wrong, he saw red soon ... From a state perfectly shanti, for a trifle of our point of view, a Nepali can go into a state of anger with black eyes that are so scared they are full of knives. All of a sudden you become again a stranger there is more than "good friend". Here cheveulu any baker can be cool, you t'entiches a gourd before the blaze Japanese friends, you yapping of nonsense rhetoric common to hide your aggressiveness, and go around the world . What they are boring these males ptits base looks like a generation of stunted in their twenties, it promises for the future, it believes all know, while it is interested in nothing.
The economy of the vacuum is the anatomy of reality, a failure disguised as an insider is better outcast.
abortive attempt sexual cute Kunkyen age. He had the same ears. A bitter taste of dirt exchanged a look with envy - rotten meat - after three seconds of contention was the machine jammed packed with all his substance sufficient to disgraced myself a No. The game is sad pathetic heterosexual. Of love can only survive under the shade of a sun exhausted by its radius of sufficiency. A bitch that do can get caught, that the poor guy has a picture of a girl "Free". RELOUT a priori of the mediocrity of the current sounds into a symphony of lies acceptable. Achievement on the monstrous nature of the relationship "normal" in our region Babylonian mass of ignoramuses in perpetual masturbation. Bagatelle
zero risk. Unnecessary risk-taking saw the

A good traveler plan in Kathmandu: the friday night Casino. To receive this good plan just landed on Friday evening at the casino: Free admission, Buffet royal control, cigarettes and soft drinks available. All in a cabaret environment, Nepali-cancan on stage marshmallow and chocolate sandwich. Dynamics of hot dancers ass, I did not ask if they are extras in the late evening but it would not surprise me. The dancers throw me interested eyes, I wonder if I have not taken a recruiter for Bollywood!
But as we got mowed to seven-Freak Streetiens all in the same taxi. The boss was a bit of cum, for some of the key. It is clear that looks to keyers first one will not bet much on the gaming tables, but fill the stomachs of large plates of various dishes and varied.
to drink alcohol at will, it's easy, get on a gaming table, and play at least 1,000 Nepalese rupees, or 10 € to change in casino chips. The champagne arrives galore, there is more than just ask the many staff in place.
Meanwhile, women can be put nail polish, or consult an astrologer, at the expense of the princess, all of which is to invite more people to stay and gamble. See Japanese get drunk it was something sad, we say: where are the samurai? Despite their ultra-sophisticated eye they looked like bells.
I do not listen to the thoughts of others, or I shall go mad.
Peace Love Light from shiva shakti shanti © 
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 1
http://shivashaktishanti.blogspot.com/2008/08/aout-2008-arrivee- kathmandu-city.html
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 2
* KATHMANDU Shanti in Freak Street - PART 3
http://shivashaktishanti . blogspot.com /
All Rights Reserved © Shiva Shakti Shanti
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