Fearing unrest, China has strengthened the presence of security forces in Tibet to prevent any commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising in Lhasa. Remember that March 10, 1959 over 85,000 Tibetans were killed, what had caused the leak India Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, in exile ever since that day with his government in Dharamsala.
a sensitive anniversary.
Last year March 14 at the start of the Beijing Olympics, the riots in Lhasa had an unprecedented impact in the international media. Chinese repression has since redoubled intensity, and more than 6,000 Tibetans had simply disappeared, then lamented that already 203 deaths in the clashes. This year the Chinese authorities have decided follow the good old adage "better safe than sorry." So they deployed many police forces in all Tibetan areas to avoid being overwhelmed by outbreaks of violence. Any burst of spontaneous protest in the bud would be killed because he opposed the process of sinification populations, a priority for China today. The operation "strike hard" is underway. Nothing can oppose that Tibet is included as a Chinese province, as the grand design of Mao.
The beginning of a media campaign against the Dalai Lama.
"We must build a Great Wall in our struggle against separatism and safeguard the unity of the Motherland," said Hu Jintao. The Chinese president believes "the Dalai Lama and his clique" as enemies of the republic China. A wide campaign of "patriotic re-education" has been underway since 2000. Then any opponent of this policy is eliminated or silenced, by all means necessary, including torture. The official line in Beijing in March 2009 has just commemorated the "liberation of Tibet and the end of a feudal system." But for a majority of Tibetans is the time to quiet the rebellion, and after 50 years of opposition peaceful and nonviolent, China still requires that the Tibetan people's culture and abjured his faith in the Dalai Lama. A violation of human rights which, however, raises more indignation on the part of democratic nations of this world.
Shiva Shakti Shanti ©
http://shivashaktishanti.blogspot.com/2008/09/fermeture-des-jeux-olympiques- kathmandu.html
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