I left with an obvious joy the pleasures of hunting. The hunt for words. Hunting citations to relevant articles, through the press. Today, for example, in Les Echos, a nice article on stress at work in La Defense. Like what. An Italian sociologist has recently raised an interesting problem. In the 80's became a new master discourse, the managerial discourse. In this speech, job responsibility is transferred to the employee. The employee became responsible for his work, he became responsible alone. In this speech, it is no longer called employees but collaborator, he is the front line, he bears the burden of his work, he makes statements. It must therefore bear the mistakes, errors, the company suffered. But the quality of this work does not change, this remains the firm's work, not his own work, not his business, it is always the same project work, an assembly-line work there only partially involved. Full responsibility on a part-time work, compartmentalized. Result, the stress of the employee increases. Inevitably. It must be justified a work that exceeds beyond its control, it invests massively. This surcharge is isolated a bit more, makes him forget himself, and sometimes it ends in burnout. Labour inspection of Nanterre hit hard by forcing companies to justify the working conditions of employees. Few, poorly equipped, without significant powers, labor inspectors are trying as best they could do their job, that protect employees against such speech. Many employees have yet so well integrated that they no longer react, they take the same from their bosses, the party of business. The culture of resistance has thinned, replaced by a performance culture, a culture of enterprise.
Defence is one of the forges of speech manager, a place of experimentation. I remember the scene of revolt in Metropolis, in the middle of machines, men and women who rushed in anger against their conditions. Aesthetically, Defense looks instead devised by Lang. Maybe one day ...
can always dream.
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