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"In the world where white asses défloqué half-thinkers alongside a half-world who think of themselves as demigods, it is preferable to orderly wind of about dowdy."
"The Conquest of the disaster "
(Editions Sulliver - April 2008)
" Come write a book with me on the sidewalk because you're so smart "(FP MENY)
(author site)
"I lived for that, be the starting point and never take off."
by Shiva Shakti Shanti maintains the illusion of ego, the ego is the enemy ... at the same time is the friend who allows you to discover you yourself and realize that this ego is not the real you is your social mask opportunist ready-to-all for "Exist" to believe you survive.
by Shiva Shakti Shanti maintains the illusion of ego, the ego is the enemy ... at the same time is the friend who allows you to discover you yourself and realize that this ego is not the real you is your social mask opportunist ready-to-all for "Exist" to believe you survive.
The problem is that once you realized that it was all ego we find ourselves in the pure truth of emptiness, of nothingness, impermanence, delusion finally is not it more livable for a human being than the truth that burns with all its empty?
The problem is that once you realized that it was all ego we find ourselves in the pure truth of emptiness, of nothingness, impermanence, delusion finally is not it more livable for a human being than the truth that burns with all its empty?
Illusion ego drugs after you forget everything and you wonder where are your parties years?,?
My worst memory is the drug, because I fight against this oversight undifferentiated rejection, the human civilization and the brain that corresponds to it has little to offer the end, apart from a mold well framed that leave you in the illusion of ego, but not yours, that of others! Slaves of her own ego, or slaves of the ego of others ... what to choose?

My worst memory is the drug, because I fight against this oversight undifferentiated rejection, the human civilization and the brain that corresponds to it has little to offer the end, apart from a mold well framed that leave you in the illusion of ego, but not yours, that of others! Slaves of her own ego, or slaves of the ego of others ... what to choose?
"it's not fun to be free himself "
Alfred Jarry
It is yet alone in the world, even it is only together, each one carries its own karma, and sometimes we take the hand to move a mountain pass ... the path of the road without end or beginning ...
It is yet alone in the world, even it is only together, each one carries its own karma, and sometimes we take the hand to move a mountain pass ... the path of the road without end or beginning ...
life death life death life death again and again, the illusion holds
time must not want them to have dimmed ... To fill the void of truth, we will accept any illusion as long as it makes you survive, keep alive is already a big challenge of supporting a slavery legal Without a Hero.

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