Sunday, February 27, 2011

Business Escrow Companies

Granite heads

We may have used our heads throughout our lives
to serve our country, once one is replaced by another, we end
underground or on a mountain of granite.
Ghislaine Bras and Carl du Toit

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much To Replace A Tensioner

Earth Hour Reminder

In a month, just ...

Saturday, March 26th from 20h 30 to 21h 30


Earth Hour 2011 - WWF



Monday, February 21, 2011

What Side Goes With Venison


For the week of February 21 :

No classes:
Monday morning at 9:45
Tuesday morning at 7:30

Wednesday evening at 17h and 19h on Wednesday evening.
course students participating in these times usually
change their schedules for that week.

There remain a few days before applying for internship in Chartreuse
for there the required number of participants, including 10 people
according to the request of Anthony the manager of the place. If not this course will be canceled.



Friday, February 18, 2011

Clothes In Tickle Session

Drawer: bedroom bee feathered petal pedal

I will not get you
swim against tides and
between two dolphins to keep
warm my pen

want to go to Britain where rocks are

mountains to hide cons flame
banner that forty years during
stifled in my drawers

You have wrinkles?
're a girl?
profile wasp?
generous curves?

do not want to know but

to bed in a drawer with rough walls

to better understand the sharpness of your verb
your adjectives

your feelings hidden on a black background that I wish

for the pure pleasure of the soul
that in this century is rather
manger donkeys

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cause Bridge Of Nose Pain

I love you
me either
I love you I love you
me neither me neither
I petal petal I
I pedal pedal I
catch me
what I'm looking forward ...
there is more petals
we are naked around the sun
what is
loves me
I'm all emotion

Friday, February 11, 2011

Acrylics Vs Poluester


o o


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blocked Nose Funny Voice

A beverage buoy

ougea nougat
acro her
Buva the diva
sank with her
fish oil caresseurs
shivering polar
Spot drill
explosion latent

star tries to warm ice

a joint agreement
gouged buoy
between them is all

key to any
freshwater bathing salt

and dance the shores of their faces

in the middle of the ocean where the waves
soft and spicy notes
cascade into the flange frivolous
fish blissful
stopped to admire the slick
couple also seeking a sticky
buoy that is done in
even a languorous sinking

Karl ChaBOUM