We waited since February 10 this speech. I speak of course of remarks by Israeli Prime Minister this week in Tel Aviv. Benjamin Netanyahu described his vision of the Israeli political situation a little more than a week after Obama's speech in Cairo on June 4
must rejoice at the opening of the Premier of the State Hebrew for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state living alongside an Israeli state.
We must recognize that the prime minister listened to what he told his national polls, that is to say that a majority of Israelis supported the two-state solution. One can also think that Netanyahu has heard the call of the President of the United States who demanded concessions from the Hebrew state. It is important to remember that American Jews have supported Barack Obama over 80% during the November 2008 elections. It fits
in the footsteps of Begin, Sharon and Rabin, who understood that it was possible to make concessions without compromising the security of Israelis.
can also share the concerns of Israeli Prime Minister, on some previous concessions, among others during the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005, which led to Hezbollah and Hamas control these areas and to attack Israeli territory every day.
The ball in the Palestinian camp

This "not before "is nothing if not accompanied by concrete actions. While Israel, the United States and the West have a role to play, but the ball is now in the Palestinian camp. Requests for Obama in Israel and the answer was positive, the Palestinian people must also do his homework. He must prove if he is serious or not in negotiations for peace. I see two important conditions and essential to this task.
First, the Palestinians must return to the negotiating table with strong leadership. The terrorist movement Hamas, which clearly wants "destruction of the State of Israel" is not a partner if possible. So there must have partners from the Fatah party who really want peace with their Israeli neighbors.
The second condition is the restoration's error Yasser Arafat at Camp David in 2000, is one not to renounce terrorism. If he wants to be a serious interlocutor, the Palestinian people must denounce all forms of violence used against Israel, either renounce terrorism and give up rocket attacks on southern Somalia from the Gaza Strip.
As the United States and the West, the first world power to assume its role as mediator by calling an early summit discussion of the peace process. Advances in the conflict progressed when the United States has invited both parties, either in 1993 or 2000 in Oslo to Camp David. It must also continue to support the Israeli democracy while maintaining a firm position on the settlement freeze and the two-state solution.
In closing, it is important to note that many observers were pessimistic about the conflict there is barely a few months when there were armies fighting in southern Israel and Gaza. It was argued that the peace process was still far and simply stating the principles of each side could take years.
Obama has clearly stated its desire to advance the negotiations and the peace process. Prime Minister Netanyahu has done the same this week. Remains to the Palestinians and the Arab world to make their insights and to return quickly to the negotiating table in serious interlocutor.